Gift of Life Foundation president Paul Vincenti has vented his frustration over the fact that the authorities and public caused an outcry over the pigeon cull which was going to take place in Vittoriosa while acting indifferently before threats to human life.

Posting a video on the social media, real estate guru Paul Vincenti said that society suddenly cares more for a pigeon than a human life. He was referring to embryo freezing, a practice which the foundation is against.

“Why do we react with such determination when it comes to protecting what some people see as a pest, a flying rodent? Why does the government react so positively and in favour of animal rights, but when we speak about the embryo and IVF, you and I become something less than a pigeon?” Vincenti was referring to the recent pigeon culling which was to take place in Vittoriosa. The Local Council followed in the footsteps of other localities which were ‘infested’ by pigeons and took the decision to shoot the pigeons. The culling caused outrage, as it had when a similar exercise was going to take place in Sliema. Animal rights activists also voiced their concern and the government quickly reacted to convince the Local Council to cancel the cull.

The government’s will to interfere in the issue and save the pigeons was welcomed by many, but it seemed to frustrate pro-life campaigners such as Vincenti, who deemed it fit to compare it with the embryo freezing issue.

“All of a sudden we are a disposable commodity which could be considered becoming spare parts,” he adds in his ten-minute video.

He said he is convinced that the majority of the Maltese people value life in conception, and they are against the idea of creating excess embryos. “The last thing we want is to create excess embryos which always die when they are being thawed to be placed in the womb of the mother, basically abortion by a different name.”

Then he moves on to compare the embryo left in freezers issue with slaves. “It is history repeating itself. It happened with the slaves owned by plantation owners.” The comparison is then extended to the Second World War atrocities like AuschwitzBirkenau. “The people thrown into concentration camps were treated as non-persons. Are we going to repeat the same problem?”

“Why do we emotionally connect with a pigeon, but completely undermine our own dignity as human beings and shoot ourselves in the foot?”

The current law on embryo freezing and IVF prohibits embryo freezing except in instances where the fertilised eggs cannot be transferred because of exceptional circumstances.

“Good luck if you are a pigeon in Malta. It seems there are those willing to defend you. Can we hope that defence of human life receives the same enthusiasm? Can we be mature and progressive enough to realise that history repeats itself?”

He concludes by addressing the Members of Parliament. “If all the MPs from the three parties elected to Parliament declared they are pro-life, then they cannot use that power to say they have changed their mind.”


About Pigeon Patrol:

Pigeon Patrol Products & Services is the leading manufacturer and distributor of bird deterrent (control) products in Canada. Pigeon Patrol products have solved pest bird problems in industrial, commercial, and residential settings since 2000, by using safe and humane bird deterrents with only bird and animal friendly solutions. At Pigeon Patrol, we manufacture and offer a variety of bird deterrents, ranging from Ultra-flex Bird Spikes with UV protection, Bird Netting, 4-S Gel and the best Ultrasonic and audible sound devices on the market today.

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