Pigeon protesters ruffle Livingstone
Mayor of London Ken Livingstone was unexpectedly "ruffled" on his trip to the US, by protesters...
Nearly three-quarters of Big Apple kids may have been exposed to a pigeon-poop fungus that can...
Pigeon, mouse and loo roll among causes of London fires
Fires were caused by a mouse chewing wires, a toilet roll being microwaved and a pigeon with a...
Logo Shocked the internet
How to represent a city as old, sprawling, and populous as London? The London Museum shocked the...
Why killing pigeons doesn’t work
Killing, by any means, isn’t just cruel; it fails to solve the root cause of the problem, leading...
What to do about pigeons
From a pigeon’s perspective, city living can’t be beat. Food and water are readily available....
an apartment building on the top floor
I live in an apartment building on the top floor and had some pigeons decide to nest on my balcony...
Company has the poop for keeping birds away
From sidewalks messed with droppings to gutters filled with feathers, birds aren’t always welcome...
Feral pigeons and certain species of gull, for example the Herring Gull and Lesser Black-Back Gull...
Facts about pigeons
Pigeons are our most common urban bird. They are amazingly resourceful creatures, able to survive...
Tips for bird dispersal with lasers
There are at least two potential consumer uses for lasers outdoors, pointing out stars in the...
How did the Pink Pigeon bounce back from just nine birds?
The Pink Pigeon is no longer Endangered. But how did conservationists achieve this, and is it...
‘I Have Pigeons’
I have pigeons. They are living 21 stories above the city on a small terrace that I don’t use much...
London’s pigeon problem has a simple solution: a hawk
Handler Paul Picknell and the Harris's hawk, Lemmy, in London's Trafalgar Square. Lemmy's job is...