by Pigeon Patrol | Aug 20, 2019 | 4-S Gel Bird repellent, Animal Deterrent Products, Bird Deterrent Products, Bird Netting, Pigeon Patrol's Services, Pigeon Spikes, Pigeons in the News, UltraSonic Bird Control

Glasgow super hospital coughs up £450k to kill pests after pigeon droppings crisis
Pest teams at the QEUH have had to shoot pigeons, install anti-bird spikes and netting and use chemicals to kill mould and fungus since January.
Health bosses at the hospital where patients died after catching an infection linked to pigeon droppings have spent almost £450,000 on pest control since it opened.
Pest teams at the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital in Glasgow have had to shoot pigeons, install anti-bird spikes and netting and use chemicals to kill mould and fungus since January.
Combatting vermin at the £842 million hospital accounts for more than half of NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde’s entire spend on pest control for all of its facilities in Glasgow, Renfrewshire, Inverclyde and West Dunbartonshire.
It was revealed in January two patients, a 10-year-old boy and a 73-year-old woman, were being treated for the fungal infection cryptococcus before they died.
The cryptococcus fungus, which is found in pigeon droppings and soil, can cause infection when inhaled.
The organism is harmless to most people but can pose a risk to sick people with reduced immunity.
The infection was found to be a factor in the boy’s death but the pensioner died from an unrelated cause.
Other patients thought to be at risk were tested and two others tested positive for another fungal infection – mucor.

One of them, grandmother Mito Kaur, 63, died in March.
Since summer 2015, pest control firm GP Environmental made almost 2500 call outs to NHSGGC sites and were paid £850,000. Less than a fifth of the visits were to the new hospital.
The figures from a Freedom of Information request to NHSGGC has revealed the contractor was called out to the QEUH campus more than 420 times at a cost of over £448,000.
The pest control teams recorded visiting the campus in early December last year to deal with pigeon droppings in a 12th floor plant room and, in the four weeks that followed, cleaned 13 others.
An NHSGGC spokesman said: “We continuously and actively review pest prevention and control requirements through regular audits in all hospitals and premises.
“This significantly reduces pest issues.”
Pigeon droppings not a factor in Pasir Gudang health woes
Have a Pigeon Problem?
Pigeon Patrol Products & Services is the leading manufacturer and distributor of bird deterrent (control) products in Canada. Pigeon Patrol products have solved pest bird problems in industrial, commercial, and residential settings since 2000, by using safe and humane bird deterrents with only bird and animal friendly solutions. At Pigeon Patrol, we manufacture and offer a variety of bird deterrents, ranging from Ultra-flex Bird Spikes with UV protection, Bird Netting, 4-S Gel and the best Ultrasonic and audible sound devices on the market today.
Voted Best Canadian wholesaler for Bird Deterrent products eight years in a row.
Contact us at 1- 877– 4– NO-BIRD, (604) 585-9279, or visit our website at
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by Pigeon Patrol | Aug 20, 2019 | 4-S Gel Bird repellent, Animal Deterrent Products, Bird Deterrent Products, Bird Netting, Pigeon Patrol's Services, Pigeon Spikes, Pigeons in the News, UltraSonic Bird Control

Science can assist with removing pigeons
Many commented and 110 people completed our online poll, with 54 per cent voting the best way to deal with the pigeons was to shoot them.
There are several ways to remove pigeons from cities: by shooting, using a repellent gel on buildings and placing birth control pellets on buildings.
The numbers vary across the year, depending on this cycle. The adults drop the eggs and leave and come back the next breeding season to breed again. The breeding cycles are in May-June and also in November.
The predominant pigeon species here is Columba livia. They are a declared pest species and they carry five diseases, which are transmittable to humans via droppings. These are: Encephalitis, Histoplasmosis, Candidiasis, Salmonellosis and E coli.
These diseases transmit to humans through the droppings being disturbed. The dust goes into the lungs.
There is also damage to buildings because the droppings are quite acidic. About 100 pigeons can produce up to 2000kg of droppings a year.

Pigeon droppings littering a staircase
Stonemason and bricklayer Ron Doyle, of Brian Doyle Stonemasons, Crookwell, said the droppings should not be allowed to build up.
“The rain softens it and it becomes quite acidic and then starts damaging the brickwork,” Mr Doyle said.
New Zealand company Adler removes pest birds from buildings by applying a gel to them.
“The gel works on the sensory (smell) and optical nerves (sight) in pigeons and most other birds. To them it smells offensive and looks like fire,” a company spokesperson said.
The gel contains citronella and other plant based ingredients and is nontoxic to humans, animals and aquatic life.
“It will not cause long-term adverse effects in the environment,” they said.
The company usually operates on behalf of property managers who are interested in protecting their own buildings.
“A typical installation is on ledges, parapets, beams above pedestrian areas and in and around heating, ventilating and air-conditioning units on roofs, where pigeons typically build their nests,” they said.
“It’s a case of scoping each property with the problem and addressing it. A targeted approach is best and most effective.”
Another method called OvoControl involves placing birth control bait in feeders.
Goulburn resident Ron McLaughlin came across this while travelling in America.
“It has been very successful in some neighbourhoods in American cities as well as in Spain,” he said.
OvoControl interferes with the reproduction of birds, specifically with with egg hatch ability, causing the population to decline. This effective and humane technology is especially useful for managing pigeon flocks in larger areas without having to resort to poisons.
Pigeons breed rapidly. Just five mating pairs can produce up to 400 pigeons in only two years. Fortunately, the life-span of urban pigeons is relatively short, limited to about three years.
According to a statement by OvoControl, field studies have shown a reduction of 50 per cent annually, after using it.
Recently, data at a site in San Diego reported an 88% decline over 28 months.
The August 6 Goulburn Mulwaree Council meeting adopted a Draft Pigeon and Pest Bird policy. This policy is on public exhibition for 28 days for submissions.
Have a Pigeon Problem?
Pigeon Patrol Products & Services is the leading manufacturer and distributor of bird deterrent (control) products in Canada. Pigeon Patrol products have solved pest bird problems in industrial, commercial, and residential settings since 2000, by using safe and humane bird deterrents with only bird and animal friendly solutions. At Pigeon Patrol, we manufacture and offer a variety of bird deterrents, ranging from Ultra-flex Bird Spikes with UV protection, Bird Netting, 4-S Gel and the best Ultrasonic and audible sound devices on the market today.
Voted Best Canadian wholesaler for Bird Deterrent products eight years in a row.
Contact us at 1- 877– 4– NO-BIRD, (604) 585-9279, or visit our website at
4-S Gel Bird repellent, Animal Deterrent Products, Bird Deterrent Products, Bird Netting, Pigeon Patrol’s Services, Pigeon Spikes, Pigeons in the News, UltraSonic Bird Control, Bird spikes, Bird Gone, Pigeon Gone, Pigeon problems, pigeon spikes, 1-877-4NO-BIRD, 4-S Gel, Bird Control, Pigeon Control, bird repellent, Bird Spikes, sonic bird repellent, stainless steel bird spikes, bird spikes Vancouver, Ultra Sonic Bird Control, Bird Netting, Plastic Bird Spikes, Canada bird spike deterrents, Pigeon Pests, B Gone Pigeon, Pigeon Patrol, pest controller, pest control operator, pest control technician, Pigeon Control Products, humane pigeon spikes, pigeon deterrents, pigeon traps, Pigeon repellents, Sound & Laser Deterrents, wildlife control, raccoon, skunk, squirrel deterrent, De-Fence Spikes, Dragons Den.
by Pigeon Patrol | Aug 20, 2019 | 4-S Gel Bird repellent, Animal Deterrent Products, Bird Deterrent Products, Bird Netting, Pigeon Patrol's Services, Pigeon Spikes, Pigeons in the News, UltraSonic Bird Control

Pigeon droppings health risk – should you worry?
An infection linked to pigeon droppings was a “contributing factor” in the death of a child at a Glasgow hospital, it has been confirmed.
The child was being treated at the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital when he or she appears to have caught the infection – a fungus called cryptococcus.
The child has not been named. The fungus did not contribute to the death in December of a second patient infected with the same pathogen, say experts.
What is it?
Cryptococcus is a yeast-like fungus that lives in the environment.
It can be found in soil contaminated by pigeon droppings.
How can you catch it?
People can become infected if they breathe it in.
The child who died in December at the hospital in Glasgow had been exposed to the fungus.
Experts say the probable source has been traced to a room on the rooftop of the hospital. Pigeon droppings appeared in the room via a small break in the wall which was “invisible to the naked eye”, Scottish Health Secretary Jeane Freeman confirmed.
The hospital says it has put infection control measures in place and no further cases have been reported.
How risky is it?
Most won’t get sick, but vulnerable people with already weakened immunity can get very ill with a chest infection or meningitis.
Expert Prof Hugh Pennington says it is very unusual to see cases in the UK.
“It is common in other parts of the world, particularly tropical parts, in the US and countries like that where they have more problems with this particular kind of fungus. But in the UK, very uncommon.
“There are cases in people who have problems with their immune systems. They’re the people who are at risk with this kind of bug.”
Cryptococcus infection cannot spread from person to person.
How dangerous is pigeon poo?
Breathing dust or water droplets containing contaminated bird droppings can lead to several diseases, including a flu-like illness called psittacosis.
Salmonella – a bacterial infection that can cause diarrhoea – may also be present in some bird droppings.
If you are cleaning up or come into contact with droppings, you should take precautions. Wash your hands and clean any exposed skin before eating, drinking or putting your hands near your mouth.
Likewise, if you are feeding or handling birds, wash your hands afterwards.
If you have a compromised immune system, including from HIV/AIDS or cancer, you should not clean up droppings.
Have a Pigeon Problem?
Pigeon Patrol Products & Services is the leading manufacturer and distributor of bird deterrent (control) products in Canada. Pigeon Patrol products have solved pest bird problems in industrial, commercial, and residential settings since 2000, by using safe and humane bird deterrents with only bird and animal friendly solutions. At Pigeon Patrol, we manufacture and offer a variety of bird deterrents, ranging from Ultra-flex Bird Spikes with UV protection, Bird Netting, 4-S Gel and the best Ultrasonic and audible sound devices on the market today.
Voted Best Canadian wholesaler for Bird Deterrent products eight years in a row.
Contact us at 1- 877– 4– NO-BIRD, (604) 585-9279, or visit our website at
4-S Gel Bird repellent, Animal Deterrent Products, Bird Deterrent Products, Bird Netting, Pigeon Patrol’s Services, Pigeon Spikes, Pigeons in the News, UltraSonic Bird Control, Bird spikes, Bird Gone, Pigeon Gone, Pigeon problems, pigeon spikes, 1-877-4NO-BIRD, 4-S Gel, Bird Control, Pigeon Control, bird repellent, Bird Spikes, sonic bird repellent, stainless steel bird spikes, bird spikes Vancouver, Ultra Sonic Bird Control, Bird Netting, Plastic Bird Spikes, Canada bird spike deterrents, Pigeon Pests, B Gone Pigeon, Pigeon Patrol, pest controller, pest control operator, pest control technician, Pigeon Control Products, humane pigeon spikes, pigeon deterrents, pigeon traps, Pigeon repellents, Sound & Laser Deterrents, wildlife control, raccoon, skunk, squirrel deterrent, De-Fence Spikes, Dragons Den.
by Pigeon Patrol | Aug 20, 2019 | 4-S Gel Bird repellent, Animal Deterrent Products, Bird Deterrent Products, Bird Netting, Pigeon Patrol's Services, Pigeon Spikes, Pigeons in the News, UltraSonic Bird Control

Sick pigeons downtown might have been poisoned
“It can be a very painful death.”
A local wildlife organization is concerned about the number of sick pigeons it’s finding in Regina’s downtown.
Megan Lawrence, director of rehabilitation for Salthaven West, said her organization is frequently called for reports of pigeons in distress.
She said Salthaven has been dealing with the birds for years now and fears they might have been poisoned.
“On average we’re seeing a poisoned pigeon every two to three weeks,” she said, adding those numbers increase in the summer. “It’s not a very humane death. Their temperature skyrockets; it can be a very painful death.”
“By the time we receive them, they’re having violent seizures,” she said. “The only thing we can do to get rid of the poison in their system is basically flush it out.”
Lawrence said she’s heard that some businesses downtown may be using poison in order to detract the birds from congregating on rooftops and other roosting points on buildings. However, she wasn’t able to offer any proof for her claims or pinpoint specific businesses and said she hasn’t spoken to any business owners herself.
The Leader-Post contacted some downtown businesses to see how they control the pigeon population. None of the businesses who responded said they use poison or have had an issue with pigeon overpopulation.
Kevin Lang, building manager for the Ramada Plaza located on Victoria Avenue, said while he has inquired with pest control companies about using poison to stop pigeons from roosting on the hotel’s roof, he’s never used it.
“I’ve been told … it affects the other (types of) birds,” he said. “(If) you put poison out, it can be consumed by anything that lands on our roof, which is not environmentally friendly.”
Instead, the hotel uses cages to keep them out. He said without them, pigeons can get into ventilation equipment and leave feathers in the rooftop coils.
Lawrence said if pigeons ingest poison, they aren’t the only ones who suffer. Animals who eat pigeons could be affected.
“If a Peregrine falcon was to eat one of those pigeons that had ingested the poison, the falcon is also going to get the poison and perhaps die as well,” she said.
Half of the pigeons they receive, she said, end up dying.
Have a Pigeon Problem?
Pigeon Patrol Products & Services is the leading manufacturer and distributor of bird deterrent (control) products in Canada. Pigeon Patrol products have solved pest bird problems in industrial, commercial, and residential settings since 2000, by using safe and humane bird deterrents with only bird and animal friendly solutions. At Pigeon Patrol, we manufacture and offer a variety of bird deterrents, ranging from Ultra-flex Bird Spikes with UV protection, Bird Netting, 4-S Gel and the best Ultrasonic and audible sound devices on the market today.
Voted Best Canadian wholesaler for Bird Deterrent products eight years in a row.
Contact us at 1- 877– 4– NO-BIRD, (604) 585-9279, or visit our website at
4-S Gel Bird repellent, Animal Deterrent Products, Bird Deterrent Products, Bird Netting, Pigeon Patrol’s Services, Pigeon Spikes, Pigeons in the News, UltraSonic Bird Control, Bird spikes, Bird Gone, Pigeon Gone, Pigeon problems, pigeon spikes, 1-877-4NO-BIRD, 4-S Gel, Bird Control, Pigeon Control, bird repellent, Bird Spikes, sonic bird repellent, stainless steel bird spikes, bird spikes Vancouver, Ultra Sonic Bird Control, Bird Netting, Plastic Bird Spikes, Canada bird spike deterrents, Pigeon Pests, B Gone Pigeon, Pigeon Patrol, pest controller, pest control operator, pest control technician, Pigeon Control Products, humane pigeon spikes, pigeon deterrents, pigeon traps, Pigeon repellents, Sound & Laser Deterrents, wildlife control, raccoon, skunk, squirrel deterrent, De-Fence Spikes, Dragons Den.
by Pigeon Patrol | Aug 20, 2019 | 4-S Gel Bird repellent, Animal Deterrent Products, Bird Deterrent Products, Bird Netting, Pigeon Patrol's Services, Pigeon Spikes, Pigeons in the News, UltraSonic Bird Control

B.C.’s solution to tackling the pigeon problem on SkyTrain? Birth control
Pigeons can be a real problem on B.C.’s SkyTrain transit system.
While the droppings are messy enough, the birds also put customer safety at risk. TransLink says they trigger track intrusion alarms, which can cause the driverless trains to brake automatically, leading to customer falls and service delays.
So TransLink and the BC SPCA have come up with a solution to help reduce the pigeon population at the VCC-Clark SkyTrain Station — birth control.
As part of a pilot project to control the population, an automatic bird feeder will be dispensing OvoControl.
TransLink says it is a non-toxic, effective and humane contraception used in other cities to prevent pigeon reproduction and reduce populations naturally.
TransLink has already put up nets at stations, set up spikes and strips to deter them from roosting and hired a falconer to patrol stations with the most pigeons.
The move to provide birth control is being supported by wildlife and animal groups.
“Wildlife Rescue strives to reduce human-wildlife conflict in the urban environment and rehabilitates injured and orphaned wildlife,” Linda Bakker, co-executive director of the B.C. Wildlife Rescue Association said in a release.
“This project aims to humanely reduce the number of pigeons at areas that have a lot of potential casualties and injuries in pigeons. This project will reduce the number of injured, deceased and orphaned pigeons in these areas. Wildlife Rescue supports the BC SPCA in promoting humane wildlife management practices.”
According to TransLink, studies have shown a 50 to 90 per cent population reduction in OvoControl-managed pigeon populations, as those who eat the bait pellets regularly will not be able to fertilize eggs.
The BC SPCA says with fewer new pigeons born, the population around the SkyTrain stations will be naturally reduced and fewer operational issues will result.
“OvoControl has been approved for use by Health Canada and only has contraceptive effects in birds,” Dr. Sara Dubois, chief scientific officer with the BC SPCA, said in a release.
Have a Pigeon Problem?
Pigeon Patrol Products & Services is the leading manufacturer and distributor of bird deterrent (control) products in Canada. Pigeon Patrol products have solved pest bird problems in industrial, commercial, and residential settings since 2000, by using safe and humane bird deterrents with only bird and animal friendly solutions. At Pigeon Patrol, we manufacture and offer a variety of bird deterrents, ranging from Ultra-flex Bird Spikes with UV protection, Bird Netting, 4-S Gel and the best Ultrasonic and audible sound devices on the market today.
Voted Best Canadian wholesaler for Bird Deterrent products eight years in a row.
Contact us at 1- 877– 4– NO-BIRD, (604) 585-9279, or visit our website at
4-S Gel Bird repellent, Animal Deterrent Products, Bird Deterrent Products, Bird Netting, Pigeon Patrol’s Services, Pigeon Spikes, Pigeons in the News, UltraSonic Bird Control, Bird spikes, Bird Gone, Pigeon Gone, Pigeon problems, pigeon spikes, 1-877-4NO-BIRD, 4-S Gel, Bird Control, Pigeon Control, bird repellent, Bird Spikes, sonic bird repellent, stainless steel bird spikes, bird spikes Vancouver, Ultra Sonic Bird Control, Bird Netting, Plastic Bird Spikes, Canada bird spike deterrents, Pigeon Pests, B Gone Pigeon, Pigeon Patrol, pest controller, pest control operator, pest control technician, Pigeon Control Products, humane pigeon spikes, pigeon deterrents, pigeon traps, Pigeon repellents, Sound & Laser Deterrents, wildlife control, raccoon, skunk, squirrel deterrent, De-Fence Spikes, Dragons Den.
by Pigeon Patrol | Aug 20, 2019 | 4-S Gel Bird repellent, Animal Deterrent Products, Bird Deterrent Products, Bird Netting, Pigeon Patrol's Services, Pigeon Spikes, Pigeons in the News, UltraSonic Bird Control
Advocate questions decision to kill pigeons pooping on Sid Buckwold Bridge
Crews tasked with cleaning a Saskatchewan bridge are in for a dirty job.

The City of Saskatoon said that over the last 50 years one of its bridges has accumulated nearly 350 tonnes of pigeon poop – which is roughly equal to 230 cars parked on the bridge.
It said the feces adds unnecessary weight and the pigeon droppings contain uric acid which can damage concrete.
The facelift also means the extermination of about 1,500 members of the feathered flock that makes the Sid Buckwold Bridge home.
The city said relocating or displacing the birds is not recommended because they are likely to fly back or move into other private properties or civic spaces.
A local wildlife advocate is disappointed and questions why alternatives can’t be found that would allow the birds to live.
“In Saskatchewan, a very, very, very common response is if it pisses you off, shoot it,” said Jan Shadick, volunteer director of Living Sky Wildlife Rehabilitation.
Shadick blames Saskatoon’s approach on a regional attitude towards so-called pesky wildlife.
“Everybody’s getting really mad at the pigeons, but if you didn’t clean your house for 50 years, I’m going to guess it would probably be condemned.”
In emails to The Canadian Press, a city spokesman says the bridge was designed with more than 30 cavities underneath, which make the structure rather cosy for pigeons to nest, but are difficult to reach.
“The challenge has always been access to these areas. They are essentially inaccessible over the river and the most efficient plan was to wait until the bridge rehab project,” Mark Rogstad wrote.
Clearing out the pigeons and their poop was set to begin this week. The city says once finished, it will take steps to deter the birds from renesting.
Canadian cities take different approaches to dealing with pigeons.
On other bridges in Saskatoon, the city uses mesh and barriers to prevent roosting and utilizes falcons around its waste-water treatment plant and landfill.
Regina and Vancouver rely on pigeon spikes, protective netting or cages to keep pigeons off their facilities.
Toronto and Calgary do not practice pigeon control.
A spokeswoman for the city of Ottawa said there’s no bylaw for regulating wild animals on private property, but the city recommends that people animal-proof their homes.
Shadick said she supports non-lethal ways to manage wildlife and believes if Saskatoon wants to be seen as an environmentally friendly, forward-thinking city it should rethink its plan.
“The pigeons are simply doing what they do,” she said.
“They’re living. They’re eating. They’re procreating. They’re being pigeons. They’re being birds.”
Have a Pigeon Problem?
Pigeon Patrol Products & Services is the leading manufacturer and distributor of bird deterrent (control) products in Canada. Pigeon Patrol products have solved pest bird problems in industrial, commercial, and residential settings since 2000, by using safe and humane bird deterrents with only bird and animal friendly solutions. At Pigeon Patrol, we manufacture and offer a variety of bird deterrents, ranging from Ultra-flex Bird Spikes with UV protection, Bird Netting, 4-S Gel and the best Ultrasonic and audible sound devices on the market today.
Voted Best Canadian wholesaler for Bird Deterrent products eight years in a row.
Contact us at 1- 877– 4– NO-BIRD, (604) 585-9279, or visit our website at
4-S Gel Bird repellent, Animal Deterrent Products, Bird Deterrent Products, Bird Netting, Pigeon Patrol’s Services, Pigeon Spikes, Pigeons in the News, UltraSonic Bird Control, Bird spikes, Bird Gone, Pigeon Gone, Pigeon problems, pigeon spikes, 1-877-4NO-BIRD, 4-S Gel, Bird Control, Pigeon Control, bird repellent, Bird Spikes, sonic bird repellent, stainless steel bird spikes, bird spikes Vancouver, Ultra Sonic Bird Control, Bird Netting, Plastic Bird Spikes, Canada bird spike deterrents, Pigeon Pests, B Gone Pigeon, Pigeon Patrol, pest controller, pest control operator, pest control technician, Pigeon Control Products, humane pigeon spikes, pigeon deterrents, pigeon traps, Pigeon repellents, Sound & Laser Deterrents, wildlife control, raccoon, skunk, squirrel deterrent, De-Fence Spikes, Dragons Den.