Would you like pigeon poo with that?

Would you like pigeon poo with that?

pigeon patrolFeathered diners at a McDonald’s restaurant in Wellington have driven a customer to lay complaints with the city council.

Wellington man Vinod Mistry is a fan of the fast-food franchise, but does not want to share his table and fries with a pigeon.

The Lambton Quay McDonald’s was a haven for hungry pigeons and the Wellington City Council needed to force the fast-food giant to keep them out of the indoor dining area, Mistry said. The birds make their way to the second floor via an internal escalator.

However, the council said it was up to the company to deal with the pigeons and it has repeatedly asked for the issue to be dealt with for six years.

McDonald’s said it was working with the council to fix the problem.

Mistry said he made two separate complaints last week about the pigeons in the restaurant.

The council appeared to swoop on a small business if there was a squeak of a mouse, rat or spider in their premises, he said.

But it appeared that, when it came to the feathered vermin, the council was turning a blind eye.

“Pigeons are just as much of a health risk as other animals. You never know when one flying around the restaurant or sitting on table could put droppings in your food.”

Council’s public health operations team leader Andrew Taylor confirmed there was a health risk, but only if diners inadvertently ate pigeon poo with their meal.

“Bird poo can contain bacteria such as salmonella, so it is not safe. But the person would have to ingest some of the bacteria through direct contamination or hand contact,” Taylor said.

The council had been trying to get McDonald’s to keep pigeons out of the premises since 2008, he said. “Every time we’ve spoken to them about the pigeon issue, we have been told by management that they will address the issue.”

The restaurant had tried different methods, such as a distress-call speaker at the entrance and lowering the entry-space height to the food premises, but none had proven to be effective, Taylor said.

Council staff would be contacting McDonald’s this week to discuss how they proposed to rectify the matter so “these ongoing complaints cease”.

McDonald’s spokesman Kim Bartlett said pigeons were a widespread issue in the Wellington CBD and the Lambton Quay McDonald’s had taken a number of measures to address the problem, including “working with an external company on effectively managing the presence of the birds”.


About Pigeon Patrol:

Pigeon Patrol Products & Services is the leading manufacturer and distributor of bird deterrent (control) products in Canada. Pigeon Patrol products have solved pest bird problems in industrial, commercial, and residential settings since 2000, by using safe and humane bird deterrents with only bird and animal friendly solutions. At Pigeon Patrol, we manufacture and offer a variety of bird deterrents, ranging from Ultra-flex Bird Spikes with UV protection, Bird Netting, 4-S Gel and the best Ultrasonic and audible sound devices on the market today.

Voted Best Canadian wholesaler for Bird Deterrent products four years in a row.

Contact Info: 1- 877– 4– NO-BIRD (www.pigeonpatrol.ca)

Burghead residents fear pigeons will cost them their bank

Burghead residents fear pigeons will cost them their bank

pigeon patrolResidents in a coastal Moray town are terrified of losing their bank because more than 100 pigeons have been left to run the “dilapidated” building into the ground.

The Bank of Scotland branch on Grant Street in Burghead is only open for two hours a week, but for an ageing Burghead community, who are not technologically savvy, those two hours are critical.

However, the windows on one side of the building were broken and boarded up, and more than eight inches of pigeon waste covers the attic floors.

Burghead Community Council chairman, Bill Davidson, said that the building had been a problem for a long time and he couldn’t understand why the owners and Moray Council let it go to “rack and ruin”.

Council secretary John Gordon said it was sad to see the “dilapidated state” of the bank and labelled it a health hazard.

Mr Gordon added that environmental health contacted the owner to arrange for a local tradesman to board up the windows so that the pigeons could no longer enter the bank.

Janet Glendinning and her husband, Patrick, who have voluntarily cleaned the entire outer area of the bank since 1991, said they hope the owners will step up to the crease and get professionals in.

Mrs Glendinning said: “We sincerely hope to see this beautiful building restored to its former glory, and cleanliness returned to this area of Burghead.

“I personally know how important this branch is to elderly people in Burghead.”

Heldon and Laich councillor Chris Tuke said: “It is one of the nicest architectural buildings in the town, and everybody would like to see it cleaned up, but it’s really down to the owners. Unless environmental health identify a serious health problem, it’s hard to tell any owner of a vacant property what to do with it.”

Co-owner of the building, Donald Gormley, said he felt the concerns of the local community and hoped to sell the property in the near future.

Mr Gormley said: “The co-owners of the property empathise with the discontentment of the Burghead residents at the dilapidated condition of the property and the colonisation of same by the feral rock pigeons.

“Councillor Tuke expressed his gratitude to the owners for the recent steps taken to address any potential environmental health/safety concerns and for their continued monitoring of the situation.

“Imminently, the property will be advertised on the open market for sale which will hopefully secure a buyer to develop the property for residential or alternate use.”

A Bank of Scotland spokeswoman said: “Bank of Scotland does not own the section of the property which is being renovated and therefore has no control over how it is maintained. We understand the frustration of residents and can only apologise to customers for any inconvenience caused.”


About Pigeon Patrol:

Pigeon Patrol Products & Services is the leading manufacturer and distributor of bird deterrent (control) products in Canada. Pigeon Patrol products have solved pest bird problems in industrial, commercial, and residential settings since 2000, by using safe and humane bird deterrents with only bird and animal friendly solutions. At Pigeon Patrol, we manufacture and offer a variety of bird deterrents, ranging from Ultra-flex Bird Spikes with UV protection, Bird Netting, 4-S Gel and the best Ultrasonic and audible sound devices on the market today.

Voted Best Canadian wholesaler for Bird Deterrent products four years in a row.

Contact Info: 1- 877– 4– NO-BIRD (www.pigeonpatrol.ca)

BB gun prompts lockdown; meant to scare pigeons

BB gun prompts lockdown; meant to scare pigeons

pigeon patrolWENATCHEE, Wash. (AP) – A BB gun that triggered a lockdown last week at a Wenatchee medical center was meant to scare pigeons.

The Wenatchee World (http://is.gd/v20P9o ) reports that officers from local law enforcement agencies locked down the busy Confluence Health’s Wenatchee Valley Medical Center after a witness reported seeing a man with a rifle butt extending from under his coat. The incident ended after 90 minutes with no injuries or arrests.

Wenatchee Police Chief Tom Robbins says the BB gun was brought to the medical center by an employee of the facility’s maintenance department. Robbins says scaring away pigeons is not the staffer’s primary job, but pigeons had become a maintenance issue on the roof.


About Pigeon Patrol:

Pigeon Patrol Products & Services is the leading manufacturer and distributor of bird deterrent (control) products in Canada. Pigeon Patrol products have solved pest bird problems in industrial, commercial, and residential settings since 2000, by using safe and humane bird deterrents with only bird and animal friendly solutions. At Pigeon Patrol, we manufacture and offer a variety of bird deterrents, ranging from Ultra-flex Bird Spikes with UV protection, Bird Netting, 4-S Gel and the best Ultrasonic and audible sound devices on the market today.

Voted Best Canadian wholesaler for Bird Deterrent products four years in a row.

Contact Info: 1- 877– 4– NO-BIRD (www.pigeonpatrol.ca)

Remove the Polish Triangle’s Fountain? Relocate Pigeons? Your Ideas Wanted

Remove the Polish Triangle’s Fountain? Relocate Pigeons? Your Ideas Wanted

WICKER PARK — Members of a grassroots coalition who are hoping to revitalize the pigeon-plagued intersection of Ashland, Milwaukee, and Division known as the Polish Triangle are soliciting feedback on how to improve the transit-friendly patch that serves as a gateway to four neighborhoods.

Inaddition to polling residents about what they’d like to see on the triangle, such as food trucks and seating, the short online survey released Wednesday asks, “If possible, should the existing fountain be removed?” and “If possible, should the pigeons be relocated?”

The long talked about pigeon relocation plan, which would require financing and city permits, would involve building a structure just east of the triangle where pigeons can nest, as their eggs are replaced with fake eggs to reduce the population.pigeon patrol

“We can’t get rid of the pigeon feeders — the people that want to feed the birds will do that. But we want to get [the birds] off the triangle and somewhere else,” said Kapra Fleming, who owns the House of Two Urns, a bed and breakfast at 1239 N. Greenview Ave., around the corner from the triangle.

Fleming is one of 12 core members of the Polish Triangle Coalition, a group of leaders from local businesses and community groups who want to improve the small but significant spot that serves as Wicker Park’s southern gateway and a bridge to West Town enclaves East Village, Pulaski Park and Noble Square.

In addition to offering an entrance to the underground CTA Division Blue Line “L” station, the transit-oriented triangle has a stop for the CTA’s No. 70 Division bus.

The neighborhood’s only cab stand is located along the Milwaukee Avenue side of the triangle.

The most pressing question in the survey involves the uncovered stairway leading to the underground “L” station. The CTA is planning to add a canopy over the entrance as part of “Your New Blue,” a $492 million project that will modernize several stations.

“There is nothing protecting the steps from wind, snow and ice. Installing canopies has been on our wish list. The CTA said they would listen to community input. They are looking to see if people prefer a more contemporary or traditional look for the canopies,” Fleming said.

Fleming said some of coalition’s members met with CTA representatives in September to discuss the canopies and are scheduled to discuss the topic again in November.

The survey also polls residents on whether they would like to see the Polish Triangle’s fountain removed or replaced.

“Some people like the fountain; some want to get rid of it and redevelop the entire space. We want to get broader feedback,” Fleming said.

The survey will remain online through Oct. 24. The results of the survey will be posted on the coalition’s website in November.

Early Thursday, Greg Garrod, a worker at Sweet Cakes Bakery, 1223 N. Milwaukee Ave., which overlooks the triangle, said he would like to see the area improved.

“Every time I walk by it, I think it’s a focal point, they should do something more [with it], make it more community-oriented. Yesterday was a nice day and I would like to see places to sit. I sit on the fountain edge and get bombarded by pigeons,” Garrod said.

Take the Polish Triangle Coalition’s survey here.


About Pigeon Patrol:

Pigeon Patrol Products & Services is the leading manufacturer and distributor of bird deterrent (control) products in Canada. Pigeon Patrol products have solved pest bird problems in industrial, commercial, and residential settings since 2000, by using safe and humane bird deterrents with only bird and animal friendly solutions. At Pigeon Patrol, we manufacture and offer a variety of bird deterrents, ranging from Ultra-flex Bird Spikes with UV protection, Bird Netting, 4-S Gel and the best Ultrasonic and audible sound devices on the market today.

Voted Best Canadian wholesaler for Bird Deterrent products four years in a row.

Contact Info: 1- 877– 4– NO-BIRD (www.pigeonpatrol.ca)

Avian Trouble Continues at City’s Citadel of Aviation

Avian Trouble Continues at City’s Citadel of Aviation

CHENNAI: It may not be the worst idea to carry an umbrella, if you’re at the airport, wearing your Sunday best. After all, you wouldn’t want it soiled with pigeon droppings right before you board an enclosed plane with 180 or so others. Even after trying to get their ‘pigeon hole’ problem sorted out, Airports Authority of India (AAI) officials are stumped at how these birds keep finding their way into thpigeon patrole high-rise terminals. A Jet Airways ticketing staff even laughed about how pigeons were always on night-duty and were the first to ‘meet’ them when they enter the terminal at 3.30 am every morning.

Recently, a group of pigeons were seen enjoying the bliss of the terminal near the passenger waiting area, on the soft carpets paid for by AAI. “It was quite funny actually. Some of the sweepers tried to shoo them away, but they just hopped off and continued to preen themselves on the carpet. Maybe they wanted air-conditioning,” said Reena Makhija, who posted a photo of the pigeons on a social networking site. “Personally, I’m not complaining. It was great fun for the kids to watch the pigeons up close,” she added


After several complaints about how pigeons were dropping their ‘uric acid’ pellets on unsuspecting passengers, AAI decided to deploy nets to cover the openings in the roof — but these were found to cause a different problem. “They are dirtying our floors and carpets as well. But by closing the skylights with nets, the lighting became a problem, so we are working out a solution for the trusses,” said an official. The ceiling was cleaned a month ago and several partial nests were cleared. But this has not impeded the entry and exit of the pigeons.

AAI had even consulted an expert about this issue last year, but we’re unable to find a viable solution. Ornithologist N Sankar pointed out that the openings in the ceiling and the high beams provided a perfect place for birds like pigeons to nest. “In an airport, there are firecrackers on the tarmac nearby used to scare birds away from the planes, so this will seem like a safe place to them,” he reasoned. He added that getting them to vacate after they had nested was a difficult task.


About Pigeon Patrol:

Pigeon Patrol Products & Services is the leading manufacturer and distributor of bird deterrent (control) products in Canada. Pigeon Patrol products have solved pest bird problems in industrial, commercial, and residential settings since 2000, by using safe and humane bird deterrents with only bird and animal friendly solutions. At Pigeon Patrol, we manufacture and offer a variety of bird deterrents, ranging from Ultra-flex Bird Spikes with UV protection, Bird Netting, 4-S Gel and the best Ultrasonic and audible sound devices on the market today.

Voted Best Canadian wholesaler for Bird Deterrent products four years in a row.

Contact Info: 1- 877– 4– NO-BIRD (www.pigeonpatrol.ca)

New York Too Busy to Care? Center Rescues City’s Injured Birds

New York Too Busy to Care? Center Rescues City’s Injured Birds

We’ll never recover our reputation for being a tough, brutally “Darwinian” city after you hear what goes on at the Wild Bird Fund, tucked behind a glass storefront on Columbus Avenue between 87th and 88th streets.

It’s astonishing.

Birds, all kinds of birds, from sparrows to seagulls, pigeons to falcons, to chickens, and even, for that matter, turtles, are brought in in boxes, injured, by New Yorkers, famed for being too rushed to notice anything but their iPhones, or their next meeting or date. Not true.

Not when an injured bird is spotted.
When I arrive, an attorney, “rehabber,” and friend of the Wild Bird Fund (WBF), Helen Lukievics, has arrived with a pigeon she expertly caught, near Wall St., and brought to the Upper West Side by taxi. Soon three medics (rehabbers) are bent over the bird, whose feet are a tangled mess, and will need to have a toe amputated. I am invited to watch, and we go downstairs.pigeon patrol

Rita McMahon, WBF’s director, dressed in black slacks and T-shirt, with sparkling blue eyes welcomes me into the team, with trust. It feels like M.A.S.H, only for birds. Just an elemental, daily fight, under less than ideal conditions, to fix what is broken, ease pain, negotiate with life, against death, and when the fight is lost, to at least make death dignified, each creature assisted with love over the bridge.

McMahon must surely be the reigning Bird Whisperer of New York—she seems to know at first glance what the birds are suffering from. She can see from the hue of a pigeon’s foot or the pattern of shades on their feathers, what exactly is wrong. From lead poisoning to malnutrition, to broken bones, to a litany of other hazards—most of which are treatable.

But first you have to catch them. Helen is a pro.

“Oh it’s an acquired skill,” she said with a smile. “You should see me in Rome. My husband pretends he doesn’t know me.”

The WBF opened its doors in 2012, as New York’s first and only “wildlife rehabilitation and education center,” providing medical care, rehabilitation, surgery, detox and even physical therapy, to thousands of injured animals (mostly birds) a year.

Rita McMahon, Co-Founder and Director of the Wild Bird Fund, prepares to give a Canadian goose a bath on Aug. 28, 2014 (Samira Bouaou/Epoch Times)

New York City, being on the North-South Atlantic flyway—a major migration path—is home to over 350 bird species, many stopping over in New York City on their way. For visiting birds, the expanding city is fraught with perils.

It all began about 10 years ago when Rita McMahon—formerly a television market research consultant—happened upon an injured wild goose on her way home from Connecticut. She took it to an animal hospital and paid out of pocket. It died the next day. “They knew nothing about birds,” McMahon said.

She had stumbled upon a huge void. New York City was the last major city in the United States not to have a wildlife rehabilitation center. She began treating and rehabilitating birds in her home, as did her friend, attorney Lukievics—once they were licensed to do so.

There were bird vets at the Center for Avian & Exotic Medicine, right across the street, which Rita and the other founders originally worked with, until they were able, after an “angel” donation, to open their own wildlife rehabilitation hospital.

Asked about some of the hazards for New York City’s birds, apart from the obvious ones, Rita says: “Hair extensions. That synthetic hair is so strong, it’s unbreakable. In some neighborhoods, this is becoming a huge problem for the birds. There’s also a repellent glue called Tanglefoot, that is supposed to be spread in a very thin layer on windowsills, but which people overuse.”

“They come in here just covered in it, immobilized,” she said. Birds also present frequently with lead poisoning, which requires weeks or even months of chelation therapy, respiratory infections, and of course, broken bones.

Bird Bigotry
I’m invited to witness the toe operation, and as we descend the stairs to the place where most of the birds are kept (waterfowl, complete with an eight foot pool, and the “nursery” of baby birds are upstairs) Helen, who loves pigeons, asks me to consider, in writing this, what I now call bird bigotry.

There are many kinds of wildlife here, and some of the birds are exotic and cherished. But pigeons are the main patient group. They rest in cages downstairs, their feet tagged with their names—the same as the name of the person who brought them in. They fly across the room, and the boys chase the girls in mating dances on the floor.

Helen warned me that pigeons—were I to emphasize them—could put people off, “ever since Woody Allen called them rats with wings.” (It was a character in “Stardust Memories” who said that.)

But then she started telling me, in tones of awe, why she loves them. “You know they dance. The males dance for the females—every time they see a female they start dancing. There was this male pigeon I will never forget. Well this guy, it was a snowstorm, a really bad snowstorm, and he was down by the Chelsea Pier, and he had no feet, just stumps, but he just started dancing this really wild dance for a female nearby him. It was as if he was saying, ‘Hey baby, come on, we’re all going to die anyway, let’s dance.’ It was just amazing. Pigeons are very stoic, exceptional animals.”

It wasn’t until I got home and did deeper research that I realized the abject moral failure in stigmatizing pigeons, and decided to lead this article with them, rather than try to sneak them in mid-text between cardinals and falcons. By the time I had done an elementary Google search, I was ready to get down on the ground and salute them.

Rita McMahon, Co-Founder and Director of the Wild Bird Fund, holds a Ring-billed gull at the center on the Upper West Side of Manhattan on Aug. 28, 2014 (Samira Bouaou/Epoch Times)

Heroic Birds
For starters, homing pigeons helped us win World War II.

The British PDSA Dickin Award honoring animals in war has been given more times to pigeons than any other animal. The medal was awarded 54 times between 1943 and 1949—to 32 pigeons, 18 dogs, 3 horses, and 1 cat. The first recipients of the award, in December 1943, were three pigeons—White Vision, Winke, and Tyke—all serving the Royal Air Force, and each of them delivered messages that rescued ditched air crews.

Then there was Gustav that on June 6, 1944, brought the first messages from the Normandy beaches. (Pigeons played a vital role at Normandy, as radios were too risky.) A single pigeon named G.I. Joe is credited with saving 100 lives of U.S. soldiers. (He served with the United States Army Pigeon Service.)

Flying Dutchman delivered messages from agents in the Netherlands who were missing in action, while Scotch Lass flew with 38 microphotographs strapped to her leg across the North Sea, despite being injured. The list goes on.

To this day, war historians and code-breakers are trying to crack the code found on a pigeon that got stuck in a chimney in Surrey and perished, while on a mission, in 1944. The bird was posthumously given the Dickin Medal and is thought to have been a member of the secret wing of the National Pigeon Service, which maintained a squadron of 250,000 pigeons during the war.

Messenger pigeons go back at least 3,000 years, and were used to proclaim the winner of the Olympics. India only dismantled its police pigeon messenger service in 2002, “due to the expanded use of the internet.”

There are competing theories about how pigeons navigate. They have iron particles on their beaks that align with true north, but they also use smell, hearing, and light refraction.

They came to New York City around 1600. Next time you see one, issue a quiet thank you for the freedoms we enjoy partly due to these “hated” birds.

Downstairs in the cramped operating room, Rita, Helen, and a third rehabber get to work on the pigeon, sedating the bird, watching her vital signs, and performing the amputation. There is a moment of ER alarm as their voices rise. “I don’t like the way she looks,” Helen said. “I think she’s overwhelmed.” But the bird quickly recovers. “This is one of the few birds who seems to know I was trying to help her,” Helen said.

Rita applies “suture” glue, then binds the injured foot in tiny sky-blue bandages that she winds as expertly as a master surgeon, explaining precisely how a pigeon’s foot has to be set to heal properly.

A second pigeon comes in virtually paralyzed, and is quickly tested for lead, which comes up “high.” This one goes in for several weeks of chelation therapy to get the lead out. Lead poisoning is one of the most common afflictions for the city’s birds, especially pigeons.

WBF is working with Magellan, the company that makes lead testing machines, conducting a study on 300 pigeons to see where in the city lead is elevated. The results will be presented to the New York City Health Department in hopes of staving off children being affected as well.

She raises an eyebrow, “If this can happen to the lowly pigeon, what about the children playing in these areas?”

(Samira Bouaou/Epoch Times)


“Please tell your readers we are so grateful, but we don’t need seed,” Rita said with a grin. “We need donations for medical equipment, more space, and more staff. More and more birds are coming in every day. We survive solely on donations.”

Rita is extremely gracious and doesn’t lord her knowledge or compassion, like so many animal saints do, as a means to cause people to feel ashamed. I notice this over and over. She and the others as well are extremely classy people. Sane, warm, smart, and efficient.

A male teenage kestrel falcon arrives in a box, brought in by a man named Charles, who offered not much information.

“How old is he, do we know?” Rita asks a rehabber in training.

“Nope,” she said.

“Yes we do,” Rita said, flashing her characteristic grin as her blue eyes sparkle. She points to his head. “See the baby down on the top of the head, the fuzz?”

It’s barely perceptible, but it means the bird is just left the nest—a fledgling.

Rita dons special “raptor gloves” and lifts him out, speaking to him tenderly. “Mind your head. Come on out.” Mesh screen covering the window serves to test both flight and perching skills.

“Looks good,” Rita said. “His weight is good for a youngster.” He is tested for hydration and given a clean bill of health. Most birds and other creatures are brought back to where they were found after they are rehabilitated, but not the raptors.

They’re extremely unpopular in Central Park with the other bird moms, as they eat the babies. Charles will go to a specialized facility in New Jersey called The Raptor Trust, which works closely with WBF.

Rita McMahon, Co-Founder and Director of the Wild Bird Fund, holds a Kestrel falcon at the center on the Upper West Side of Manhattan on Aug. 28, 2014. (Samira Bouaou/Epoch Times)

On a typical day here, upward of 20 injured birds will be brought in, and roughly 50 percent will die or have to be euthanized, meaning there is no earthly way they can survive with their injuries. The staff do try everything, spending up to several months on a single bird if need be.

A woman sits in the lobby with a mourning dove in a box, which has just been examined by the vet. Not good news. “Splayed legs,” she tells me, and Rita explains how this, which is fatal for a bird, can happen. A dove will have two eggs, and one may roll away or die, which means the parents place their entire weight on the remaining one.

That sometimes causes these splayed legs. This is something they can’t fix unless the bird is under two weeks of age. The woman is given the sad prognostic news, and the vet asks her: “Would you like some time with him?” She nods, tears dripping off her nose.

“I finally had to steel myself,” Rita said. “You get used to it.”

Downstairs, amid rows of cages, birds, mostly pigeons, fly from one side of the room to the other. A cardinal sits perched on a computer. I return to the operating room to look for my notepad.

“You can come in,” Rita said, “but this is not a happy time.” I understand what she means.

One of the baby sparrows is being lifted from his small cage.

“His feet are dead”” Rita explained. The feet are very important. Landing gear, for one thing, or, in the case of a sparrow, what they use to grip.

“He’ll never survive,” she says, cradling him in her hand, as she places him under the glass dome that will put him first to sleep with gas.

“Turn the light off, it’s calmer,” she says. In the darkened room, my heart pounds.

“I gave him his favorite worms and he ate them all,” the assistant says to Rita, who smiles. I bite my lip, as we watch his tiny head droop under the glass dome.

Rita takes him out, turns him over, and injects something into what seemed to be the heart area.

I see that his feet were a mess. His feathers look clammy.

“I’m sorry, I’m getting my sweat all over you, sweetheart,” Rita said tenderly.

“It’s painless,” she explains, moving the bird into a box. “It’s like falling asleep, only they don’t wake up.”

Broken wing bones, as well as injured feet, can be fatal, especially to diving birds like seagulls, and raptors like hawks. They need every bone in their complex wings working right or they can’t fly right. If one of those birds breaks a wing bone it can mean death. Pigeons rely less on their wings for food.

In the waterfowl room, there are two large chickens that were found walking down a street in Astoria, and a herring gull with a stripe of pink neon paint down his back, which came in very sick but is doing better now. (There is no such thing as a “seagull,” not even the famous Jonathan Livingston. “Pacific gull,” or “herring gull,” this kind or that kind of gull—but no such thing as a “seagull.” )

The gull is taken from his cage and happily released into the waterfowl pool. “This pool makes such a difference for the waterfowl, psychologically, ” Rita said. “As long as they are in water, the world is okay with them.”

This fellow had been suffering from a series of problems, respiratory distress and possible poisoning, but Rita and the team nursed him back to health over several weeks and now he is the picture of health, and slated to be returned home.

Now that I have peered closely into a pigeon’s eye and seen the color of the iris—a vivid root beer shade—and seen up close how a sparrow’s feet bones are delicate as mere threads, I can no longer bear the thought of an oiled bird, or a glue-covered pigeon.

That very night I walk to the supermarket and I see a pigeon on the curb who doesn’t look quite right. I spend an hour with a box and crumbs trying to catch him. Or her. I fail, as she retreats under an SUV time and again. Haunted, I return the next day and there she is. To my delight, probably dreading the sight of me as I approach again to try to catch her, she finally flies.


About Pigeon Patrol:

Pigeon Patrol Products & Services is the leading manufacturer and distributor of bird deterrent (control) products in Canada. Pigeon Patrol products have solved pest bird problems in industrial, commercial, and residential settings since 2000, by using safe and humane bird deterrents with only bird and animal friendly solutions. At Pigeon Patrol, we manufacture and offer a variety of bird deterrents, ranging from Ultra-flex Bird Spikes with UV protection, Bird Netting, 4-S Gel and the best Ultrasonic and audible sound devices on the market today.

Voted Best Canadian wholesaler for Bird Deterrent products four years in a row.

Contact Info: 1- 877– 4– NO-BIRD (www.pigeonpatrol.ca)