Mathis Brothers Furniture to install 2,500 solar panels in Indio

Mathis Brothers Furniture to install 2,500 solar panels in Indio

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On the rooftop, Solar Forward, an Los Angeles based company, is already hard at work installing nearly 2,500 solar panels.

“We’re really excited to be working with Mathis Brothers to install the largest solar system here in Indio. Basically this system is so large it could power 125 homes,” said Mark Smith, CEO of Solar Forward.

The installation’s expected to take two months and cost $2.5 million. The panels will lighten up Mathis Brothers’ electric bill 95 percent and could trim your bill too.

“We’re making the energy on site. It’s going to go from the roof into the main panel and be used right here. Any excess energy just gets distributed right in the area, consumed in the local community,” said Smith.

“We want to be able to cut down as much as we can, not just for our own benefit, but for our community,” said Dorris.

The workers are facing several challenges including the Coachella Valley heat and pigeons! They’re using everything under the sun to keep the birds away such as reflective tape and sound decoys.

“There were swamp coolers and the pigeons made it their home. Now we’re trying to teach the pigeons to go somewhere else,” said Smith.

Solar Forward said it’ll need more hands on deck to get the job done.

“Solar Forward is LA based. We want to hire local people to facilitate this installation. We need local help. This is a huge job,” Smith said.

“Overall it’s the step in the right direction for everybody,” said Dorris.

About Pigeon Patrol:

Pigeon Patrol Products & Services is the leading manufacturer and distributor of bird deterrent (control) products in Canada. Pigeon Patrol products have solved pest bird problems in industrial, commercial, and residential settings since 2000, by using safe and humane bird deterrents with only bird and animal friendly solutions. At Pigeon Patrol, we manufacture and offer a variety of bird deterrents, ranging from Ultra-flex Bird Spikes with UV protection, Bird Netting, 4-S Gel and the best Ultrasonic and audible sound devices on the market today.
Voted Best Canadian wholesaler for Bird Deterrent products four years in a row.

Contact Info: 1- 877– 4– NO-BIRD (


Bird deaths at Calif. power plant a PR nightmare for industry

Bird deaths at Calif. power plant a PR nightmare for industry

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The 45-story “power towers” shine with sunlight reflected by 350,000 heliostat mirrors spread across an area four times the size of New York’s Central Park. Receivers atop the towers heat to nearly 1,000 degrees Fahrenheit, boiling water to turn turbines that crank out 392 megawatts — power for more than 100,000 houses.

But that intense heat is incinerating birds that fly into the “flux field” between the mirrors and the towers.

Bird mortality is a problem for Ivanpah developer BrightSource Energy Inc., operator NRG Energy Inc. and other companies that covet the power tower technology. Killing or maiming most bird species — even by accident — is illegal under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act.

Ivanpah, which opened a year ago, is testing new ways to prevent bird deaths, trying everything from anti-perching devices to spraying a bubble gum extract that birds hate. Its efforts could be key to the technology’s future.

“We take this issue very seriously, and Ivanpah’s project owners have gone to great lengths to investigate and minimize wildlife impacts,” NRG spokesman Jeff Holland said. “We are evaluating the use of humane avian deterrent systems, similar to those employed by airports and in food industry, and implementing other practices that go beyond conventional operational procedures to reduce avian activity near the towers.”

While bird kills happen at all energy projects, Ivanpah has had an outsize amount of press attention — possibly because it’s the largest power tower project in the world and because it got a $1.6 billion loan guarantee from the Department of Energy.

Trouble began last April with the release of a Fish and Wildlife Service forensics report documenting debris, birds and insects — all known as “streamers” — going up in smoke at Ivanpah. Vivid pictures of charred birds spawned headlines.

According to the report, Fish and Wildlife enforcement officers reported seeing an average of one streamer every two minutes.

One falconlike bird was seen with a plume of smoke rising from its tail as it flew through the field. It lost stability and altitude but was able to clear the plant’s perimeter and land, the officers said. It was never found.Pigeon Patrol, Pigeon Deterrent, bird control, pigeon control, bird repellent, bird proof, bird contrl, sound unit, netting bird, bird netting, spikes, pointy things, Ultra-Flex Bird Spikes, bird deterrent, bird spike, bird control, spikes, bird repellent spikes, bird deterrent spikes, steel bird spikes, bird netting, bird control, netting bird, bird repellent, pigeon control, bird proof, bird problems, bird proofing, bird repellers, bird control systems, anti bird, 1-877-4-no-bird, no bird, nobird, bird lazers, bird lasers bird lasers, sonic bird repellers, ultrasonic bird repellers, Get rid of pigeons, pigeon problems, pigeon control system, Keep Pigeons Off, Canada, USA, Manufacturer  bird control, Bird Control Products, bird deterrent, bird net, bird netting, bird removal, bird repellent, bird spike strips, bird spikes, birds off, building maintenance, Integrated Pest Supplies Ltd, Pest Control Products, New Westminster, BC,building maintenance birds, building maintenance tips, get rid of birds, how to get rid of birds, pigeon control, scare birds, stop bird, High frequencies, ultrasonic ,sonic , sound waves ,roof tops, ledges, balconies, buildings ,warehouses, bird sound deterrents, physical bird deterrents ,visual bird deterrents, disinfectant, Tubesonic, keep birds out, pest bird, how to get rid of bird, electric shock, bird deterrent system, keep birds away, pest bird problems, plastic bird spikes, scare birds, bird off get, suppliers of bird control, Integrated Pest Control, intergraded, intergratedpestsupplies, pigeon spikes, bird spikes, pigeon deterrent, get rid of pigeons, pigeon control, bird spike, pigeon deterrents, how to get rid of pigeons

One hundred forty-one bird carcasses were found at Ivanpah from June 2012 to December 2013, one-third of which likely died from the solar flux, with telltale signs including feather curling, charring, melting and breakage. Most were house finches and yellow-rumped warblers whose diets consist mostly of insects.

Federal investigators warned Ivanpah may act as a “mega-trap” where abundant insects attract small birds that are killed or incapacitated by the solar flux. Those birds in turn attract larger predators, “creating an entire food chain vulnerable to injury and death.”

Critics and media seized on the report.

An Associated Press story in August suggested a bird was being toasted every two minutes at Ivanpah, even though investigators did not know what percentage of the streamers were birds. The AP also quoted Shawn Smallwood, an ecologist at the Center for Biological Diversity, estimating that 28,000 birds were dying each year at Ivanpah, an estimate the environmentalist admitted was “back-of-the-napkin.”

Ivanpah consultants said they believe no more than 1,469 birds a year are being directly killed, 898 of which could be attributed to solar flux.

FWS conceded that “we currently have a very incomplete knowledge of the scope of avian mortality at these solar facilities.”

The agency late last summer said it is conducting a “systematic study” at Ivanpah “to determine its true impact on birds.”

Impacts on other projects

Ivanpah officials say the plant’s impacts pale in comparison to larger human threats.

They include building collisions that kill an estimated 365 million to 988 million birds annually in the U.S., according to a 2014 study by federal scientists in the journal The Condor: Ornithological Applications.

Stray and outdoor pet cats each year kill a median of 2.4 billion birds and 12.3 billion mammals, mostly native mammals like shrews, chipmunks and voles, according to a 2013 report from scientists from the Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute and FWS.

American wind farms kill upward of half a million birds annually, according to peer-reviewed research, and power lines kill hundreds of thousands to 175 million birds annually, according to another study.

But the lurid images of burned birds at Ivanpah seem to resonate with the public. And uncertainty over the towers’ impacts could bring headaches to new projects.Pigeon Patrol, Pigeon Deterrent, bird control, pigeon control, bird repellent, bird proof, bird contrl, sound unit, netting bird, bird netting, spikes, pointy things, Ultra-Flex Bird Spikes, bird deterrent, bird spike, bird control, spikes, bird repellent spikes, bird deterrent spikes, steel bird spikes, bird netting, bird control, netting bird, bird repellent, pigeon control, bird proof, bird problems, bird proofing, bird repellers, bird control systems, anti bird, 1-877-4-no-bird, no bird, nobird, bird lazers, bird lasers bird lasers, sonic bird repellers, ultrasonic bird repellers, Get rid of pigeons, pigeon problems, pigeon control system, Keep Pigeons Off, Canada, USA, Manufacturer  bird control, Bird Control Products, bird deterrent, bird net, bird netting, bird removal, bird repellent, bird spike strips, bird spikes, birds off, building maintenance, Integrated Pest Supplies Ltd, Pest Control Products, New Westminster, BC,building maintenance birds, building maintenance tips, get rid of birds, how to get rid of birds, pigeon control, scare birds, stop bird, High frequencies, ultrasonic ,sonic , sound waves ,roof tops, ledges, balconies, buildings ,warehouses, bird sound deterrents, physical bird deterrents ,visual bird deterrents, disinfectant, Tubesonic, keep birds out, pest bird, how to get rid of bird, electric shock, bird deterrent system, keep birds away, pest bird problems, plastic bird spikes, scare birds, bird off get, suppliers of bird control, Integrated Pest Control, intergraded, intergratedpestsupplies, pigeon spikes, bird spikes, pigeon deterrent, get rid of pigeons, pigeon control, bird spike, pigeon deterrents, how to get rid of pigeons

Whether bird deaths at Ivanpah will crimp the technology’s development remains to be seen.

Environmentalists are unlikely to endorse the technology until its environmental footprint is better understood.

“We’re cautious and somewhat alarmed until we find out the truth,” said Garry George, renewable energy project director for Audubon California. “Everything you build is going to have some impact on birds. The question is, how big? Is it affecting populations?”

Ivanpah ramps up monitoring

Ivanpah’s owners hope to answer that through better monitoring and the use of bird deterrents.

In mid-October, Ivanpah installed a “BirdBuffer” at the top of one of its towers. The moving box-size machine sprays a concentrated grape juice extract into the air at regular intervals, 45 minutes of every hour. The vapor extract, which is used in food products including bubble gum, causes a “safe yet irritating response” in birds, according to the manufacturer, BirdBuffer LLC of Everett, Wash., which sells the units for $8,995 each.

BirdBuffer CEO Gary Crawford said the plant has since seen a reduction in bird activity.

Ivanpah is also exploring anti-perching devices, fogging and sonic deterrents, and waste and water containment to keep birds from scavenging the area for food, NRG’s Holland said. It is turning off facility lights at night to attract fewer insects and repositioning heliostats to cut down on glare.

Birds continue to fall from the sky — 115 carcasses were located last year between May 23 and Aug. 17, about one-third of which showed signed of dying in the solar flux, according to Ivanpah’s latest filing with the California Energy Commission.

A Greenwire reporter visited the site Dec. 7 but saw no streamers or bird carcasses.

Ivanpah mirror
Ivanpah’s nearly 350,000 mirrors track and reflect sunlight onto the boilers atop the three power towers. Photo by Phil Taylor.
The true number of dying birds is likely underrepresented by human surveys.

Large facilities like Ivanpah are difficult to efficiently search; carcasses are often hidden by vegetation or solar panels, dead birds disappear to scavengers and others degrade too fast to determine cause of death, according to the FWS forensics report.

Ivanpah is also seeking to better monitor its airspace.

Last May, the plant’s owners commissioned the U.S. Geological Survey to study the effectiveness of video cameras, radar, acoustic detectors and other tracking devices to quantify the presence, diversity, movement and behaviors of birds, bats and insects flying near the facility. The results, expected to be published this year in a scientific journal, could spur new research into best management practices.

Birds are not the first major wildlife problem Ivanpah has faced.

In addition to invading avian airspace, the plant took over about 3,500 acres of native desert scrubland with a resident population of federally threatened desert tortoise.

Developers spent $22 million to care for tortoises, moving several dozen from the construction site and building a “head start” nursery where juvenile tortoises and hatchlings are reared until big enough to resist predation from kit foxes, ravens or coyotes.

The company plans to spend $34 million more to meet federal and state mitigation obligations.

“BrightSource was a very good partner for making that work for desert tortoise,” said FWS Director Dan Ashe.

Bird mortality will be an ongoing challenge, he said.

“Are we concerned? Um, yes,” Ashe said during a Western Governors’ Association winter meeting last month in Las Vegas. “Except … are birds killed at that facility? They are, clearly. Are birds killed by running into this building? They are, and every building. I’ve had birds run into the glass window of my house. Everybody has. Every time we put a facility on the landscape, it’s going to take birds. The question is, is it going to have a population-level impact? We need to figure that out.”

‘Prosecutorial discretion’

Legal experts do not expect bird deaths to thwart solar development, even as the Justice Department cracks down on wind farms that kill significant numbers of birds and extracts major penalties under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act.

“Enforcement of the Migratory Bird Treaty Act and Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act essentially boils down to prosecutorial discretion,” said Andrew Bell, an energy attorney for Marten Law in San Francisco. “Prosecutorial discretion is in turn founded largely on a demonstration of good-faith efforts by companies to address phenomena like avian impacts.”

Solar developers typically meet that burden by agreeing to mitigation and bird and bat conservation strategies as a condition of federal permits, Bell said.

Solar farms, particularly future power towers, may need to do more if they want to maintain their green credentials.

George, of Audubon California, said he’s reserving judgment on Ivanpah until more studies are completed.

“Right now, we’re cautious and not willing to support the permitting of another power tower,” he said.

George visited the Ivanpah plant last fall and said the operator had roughly two dozen biologists that day fanning the property looking for dead birds with the help of scent dogs. Through binoculars, he saw plenty of streamers in the sky, though he said it was not clear whether any of them were birds.

“It was a great mystery,” he said. “It wasn’t the nightmare Wes Craven movie I had in my mind.”

About Pigeon Patrol:

Pigeon Patrol Products & Services is the leading manufacturer and distributor of bird deterrent (control) products in Canada. Pigeon Patrol products have solved pest bird problems in industrial, commercial, and residential settings since 2000, by using safe and humane bird deterrents with only bird and animal friendly solutions. At Pigeon Patrol, we manufacture and offer a variety of bird deterrents, ranging from Ultra-flex Bird Spikes with UV protection, Bird Netting, 4-S Gel and the best Ultrasonic and audible sound devices on the market today.
Voted Best Canadian wholesaler for Bird Deterrent products four years in a row.

Contact Info: 1- 877– 4– NO-BIRD (

Feeding ban at Dorking church is helping keep vermin away

Feeding ban at Dorking church is helping keep vermin away

A FEEDING ban at St Martin’s Churchyard has already been successful in reducing the numbers of pigeons and squirrels living there.

As the Advertiser revealed in December, the vast population of animals and “less-pleasant vermin” living around the church is causing a significant risk to the much-loved building, with architects warning there is a high potential for stonework to be damaged by large amounts of droppings. Signs were erected around the site that month calling for those walking through the yard to “Keep our wildlife wild and our children safe” and refrain from feeding animals there.

Churchwarden Peter Bunn said that while there is still a long way to go, the signs have so far proved effective.

“The number of pigeons you see sitting on the south roof waiting for food has definitely been reduced,” he said.

“It has got better. I would say that most people are respecting the signs. It’s not everyone and we have had some people we have had slight difficulties with.

“But I think most people understand our problem and we are on our way to solving it.”

As well as the potential damage to stonework, a further concern for church workers is that of squirrels finding their way inside and causing damage to the historic organ or, more seriously, chewing through electric wiring and starting a fire.

Householders in the area have also noticed an improvement.

Derek Benoliel of nearby St Martin’s Court said: “The situation is greatly improved.

“It’s not resolved but there definitely isn’t as many pigeons as there was. In the morning we used to see around 100 to 150 pigeons.

“The people that feed them do it with the best intentions in the world but they don’t know the danger.

“The number isn’t as low as it needs to be. They just make such a mess.”

He added: “We are still inundated with squirrels.

“It needs to be stopped completely. You definitely still see people doing it.

“I have nothing against pigeons as a bird but it’s the damage they cause.”

About Pigeon Patrol:

Pigeon Patrol Products & Services is the leading manufacturer and distributor of bird deterrent (control) products in Canada. Pigeon Patrol products have solved pest bird problems in industrial, commercial, and residential settings since 2000, by using safe and humane bird deterrents with only bird and animal friendly solutions. At Pigeon Patrol, we manufacture and offer a variety of bird deterrents, ranging from Ultra-flex Bird Spikes with UV protection, Bird Netting, 4-S Gel and the best Ultrasonic and audible sound devices on the market today.
Voted Best Canadian wholesaler for Bird Deterrent products four years in a row.

Contact Info: 1- 877– 4– NO-BIRD (

Reigate firecrew’s rooftop pigeon rescue

Reigate firecrew’s rooftop pigeon rescue

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The four-man crew, led by Crew Commander Steve Arnold, closed the High Street temporarily in order to get a ladder up to the roof of Boots opticians, where the bird had got stuck in netting placed there to prevent pigeons getting into the roof spaces, last Wednesday afternoon (June 25).

The fire service was called in by the RSPCA.

A Surrey Fire and Rescue Service spokesman said: “Animal welfares is just one of the many roles that the Surrey Fire and Rescue Service responds to, though full risk assessments are made and our role is to assist and support the RSPCA in such events.”

He said along with Crew Commander Arnold, the efforts of firefighters Horsfall, Smith and Sharpe were all cheered.

“The pigeon was seen by many onlookers, who cheered in appreciation as it flew away, relatively unharmed,” he said.

The rescue was one of the last call-outs for Crew Commander Arnold, who was taking early retirement last week after a 25-year career in the fire service.

About Pigeon Patrol:

Pigeon Patrol Products & Services is the leading manufacturer and distributor of bird deterrent (control) products in Canada. Pigeon Patrol products have solved pest bird problems in industrial, commercial, and residential settings since 2000, by using safe and humane bird deterrents with only bird and animal friendly solutions. At Pigeon Patrol, we manufacture and offer a variety of bird deterrents, ranging from Ultra-flex Bird Spikes with UV protection, Bird Netting, 4-S Gel and the best Ultrasonic and audible sound devices on the market today.
Voted Best Canadian wholesaler for Bird Deterrent products four years in a row.

Contact Info: 1- 877– 4– NO-BIRD (

New Parasite Found to Cause Deaths of Wild Pigeons

New Parasite Found to Cause Deaths of Wild Pigeons

Pigeon Patrol, Pigeon Deterrent, bird control, pigeon control, bird repellent, bird proof, bird contrl, sound unit, netting bird, bird netting, spikes, pointy things, Ultra-Flex Bird Spikes, bird deterrent, bird spike, bird control, spikes, bird repellent spikes, bird deterrent spikes, steel bird spikes, bird netting, bird control, netting bird, bird repellent, pigeon control, bird proof, bird problems, bird proofing, bird repellers, bird control systems, anti bird, 1-877-4-no-bird, no bird, nobird, bird lazers, bird lasers bird lasers, sonic bird repellers, ultrasonic bird repellers, Get rid of pigeons, pigeon problems, pigeon control system, Keep Pigeons Off, Canada, USA, Manufacturer  bird control, Bird Control Products, bird deterrent, bird net, bird netting, bird removal, bird repellent, bird spike strips, bird spikes, birds off, building maintenance, Integrated Pest Supplies Ltd, Pest Control Products, New Westminster, BC,building maintenance birds, building maintenance tips, get rid of birds, how to get rid of birds, pigeon control, scare birds, stop bird, High frequencies, ultrasonic ,sonic , sound waves ,roof tops, ledges, balconies, buildings ,warehouses, bird sound deterrents, physical bird deterrents ,visual bird deterrents, disinfectant, Tubesonic, keep birds out, pest bird, how to get rid of bird, electric shock, bird deterrent system, keep birds away, pest bird problems, plastic bird spikes, scare birds, bird off get, suppliers of bird control, Integrated Pest Control, intergraded, intergratedpestsupplies,US – University of California Davis researchers have identified the cause of death in wild band-tailed pigeons connected to newly discovered parasite.

Researchers at UC Davis and the California Department of Fish and Wildlife have identified trichomonosis as a key factor in winter die-offs and population decline of bandtailed pidgeons, a native migratory game bird. (Dianne Ricky/courtesy photo)

A new pathogen has been discovered by scientists investigating major die-offs of pigeons native to North America, according to studies led by the University of California, Davis, and the California Department of Fish and Wildlife.

Scientists were able to implicate this new parasite, along with the ancient parasite, Trichomonas gallinae, in the recent deaths of thousands of Pacific Coast band-tailed pigeons. The die-offs occurred during multiple epidemics in California’s Central Coast and Sierra Nevada mountain ranges. Scientists named the new pathogen, Trichomonas stableri.

Avian trichomonosis is an emerging and potentially fatal disease that creates severe lesions that can block the esophagus, ultimately preventing the bird from eating or drinking, or the trachea, leading to suffocation. The disease may date back to when dinosaurs roamed the earth, as lesions indicative of trichomonosis were found recently in T-Rex skeletons. The disease may also have contributed to the decline of the passenger pigeon, whose extinction occurred exactly 100 years ago.

Epidemics of the disease can result in the death of thousands of birds in a short amount of time. An outbreak in Carmel Valley killed an estimated 43,000 birds in 2007.

“The same parasite species that killed band-tailed pigeons during the outbreaks were also killing the birds when there weren’t outbreaks,” said lead author Yvette Girard, a postdoctoral scholar with the Wildlife Health Center in the UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine at the time of the studies. “This indicates there may be other factors at play in the die-offs.”

“We are now investigating what triggers these die-offs, which may be caused by the congregation of infected and vulnerable birds during certain environmental conditions, or even spill-over from another nearby species,” said principal investigator Christine Johnson, a professor with the UC Davis Wildlife Health Center.

Between winter 2011 and spring 2012, there were eight mortality events – defined as more than five dead birds found in the same geographic area during the same time frame. The study said trichomonosis was confirmed in 96 per cent of dead, sick or dying birds examined at seven of the mortality events. This disease was also found in 36 per cent of band-tailed pigeons at wildlife rehabilitation centres, 11 per cent of hunter-killed band-tailed pigeons and four per cent of the birds caught live and released.

“What makes this disease more troublesome for band-tailed pigeons is their low reproductive rate – about one chick per year – and also that these events are occurring in the wintertime,” said co-author Krysta Rogers, an environmental scientist with the California Department of Fish and Wildlife. “That means almost all the birds we’re losing during events are adult birds. They’re being killed before they have the ability to reproduce in the spring.”

Mortality events in band-tailed pigeons have been reported in California at least since 1945 but have increased during the last decade, with outbreaks reported in six of the last 10 years.

“Going into the study, we expected to find a single, highly virulent species of Trichomonas in birds sampled at outbreaks,” Girard said. “Having two species killing birds at these large-scale mortality events is surprising.”

Necropsies of the birds were conducted at the California Animal Health and Food Safety Laboratory at UC Davis and the Wildlife Investigations Laboratory at the California Department of Fish and Wildlife.

Both studies were funded by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife and the US Fish and Wildlife Service.

About Pigeon Patrol:

Pigeon Patrol Products & Services is the leading manufacturer and distributor of bird deterrent (control) products in Canada. Pigeon Patrol products have solved pest bird problems in industrial, commercial, and residential settings since 2000, by using safe and humane bird deterrents with only bird and animal friendly solutions. At Pigeon Patrol, we manufacture and offer a variety of bird deterrents, ranging from Ultra-flex Bird Spikes with UV protection, Bird Netting, 4-S Gel and the best Ultrasonic and audible sound devices on the market today.
Voted Best Canadian wholesaler for Bird Deterrent products four years in a row.

Contact Info: 1- 877– 4– NO-BIRD (


Town losing battle with vultures at water tower

Town losing battle with vultures at water tower

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After a day of circling the skies, scanning the ground for the dead and dying, they make their way back home — an inhospitable home, to be sure, but home.

During the past couple years, it has been turned into a fake bird cemetery; it has reverberated with loud, scary noises; it has sent electric jolts through their bodies; and most recently, it has flashed blinding light into their eyes.

But still, black vultures settle down each evening on the Lake Alfred water tower.

“We are kind of in the final attempts (to get rid of the vultures),” City Manager Ryan Leavengood told the City Commission last Monday. “You wouldn’t think these things are as resilient as they are, but I’ll give them credit where credit is due.”

Leavengood’s comment sparked laughter from the commissioners and audience, but the city has had about $24,000 worth of work done to try to persuade the vultures to settle somewhere else.

The city has tried using a buzzer to frighten them — which worked until they got used to the noise. Fake dead vultures didn’t work, either. Those attempted solutions cost about $2,000.

Commissioners accepted a $20,332 bid in November for Terminix to install bird spikes and low-voltage electric tracks on the tower. The tracks were supposed to give the birds an uncomfortable, but harmless, shock. The spikes were supposed to make the surface uncomfortable to perch on.

Public Works Director John Deaton said the electric track works but doesn’t cover the whole tower, leaving plenty of space to sit comfortably. The spikes don’t seem to do anything, he said.

Leavengood said Monday the city will pay only part of that cost because it failed to deter the birds.

“Ultimately, we paid for a solution, and we didn’t get a solution,” he said.

In an attempt to hold on to hope, the city bought two Eagle Eyes for about $1,600 in May.

Eagle Eyes are bird deterrents that reflect sunlight or artificial light, limiting birds’ vision and causing them to steer away and find somewhere else to land.

It doesn’t seem to work for vultures, though.

“It looks pretty flashing around out there,” said Public Works Director John Deaton. “But the vultures are not annoyed by it at all.”

Leavengood said the city has another last-ditch effort idea: putting up cables and wires to impede their ability to land.

“That’s about the last thing we can think of,” he said. “We were hesitant because we didn’t want them to get caught up” in the wires.

City staff members have said they want the scavengers to find a new place to perch because they are worried about damage to the tower. Vultures’ urine and regurgitated fluids are highly corrosive.

So far, the only damage has been to the paint. The vultures have no access to the water, so the water quality isn’t in danger.

But cleaning and painting the tower is costly. Staff and residents don’t find the sight of the birds particularly appealing, either.

Vultures are a protected species, and the city cannot do anything to remove the birds that would harm them.

“You know what it is?” Deaton said, with a laugh. “Lake Alfred is a great place to live, and the birds have figured it out, and they don’t want to move.”

 About Pigeon Patrol:

Pigeon Patrol Products & Services is the leading manufacturer and distributor of bird deterrent (control) products in Canada. Pigeon Patrol products have solved pest bird problems in industrial, commercial, and residential settings since 2000, by using safe and humane bird deterrents with only bird and animal friendly solutions. At Pigeon Patrol, we manufacture and offer a variety of bird deterrents, ranging from Ultra-flex Bird Spikes with UV protection, Bird Netting, 4-S Gel and the best Ultrasonic and audible sound devices on the market today.
Voted Best Canadian wholesaler for Bird Deterrent products four years in a row.

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