Some people pay to keep pigeons away from their property. Others, especially in China, love the ubiquitous rock pigeon. (Yep, that’s the same species that perches on statues around the world, gobbles up stale hot dog buns off the street and uses parked cars as latrines.) And as the saying goes, one person’s trash is another’s treasure: Last weekend, one bird enthusiast dropped $1.4 million on a Belgian pigeon named Armando.
Granted, Armando is no ordinary pigeon. Joshua Berlinger at CNN reports that he’s a world-record holding racing pigeon, considered the “best long distance pigeon” of all time according to pigeon racing information hub and organization Pipa, which is short for Pigeon Paradise. Armando was one of 178 pigeons sold at auction by Belgian breeder Joel Verschoot, bringing in a total of $2.5 million. Besides the champ, another pigeon named Contador was sold for $225,000 and seven of Armando’s children were sold for an average of $24,000.
Prior to the sale, the previously most expensive pigeon was Nadine, a bird that sold for $450,000 to a Chinese buyer in 2017. For comparison, the average price for a good racing pigeon is in the $2,800 range.
Nikolaas Gyselbrecht, the CEO of Pipa says the high-dollar auction was incredible. “It was unreal, the feeling—it was something out of this world,” he tells the BBC. “In our wildest dreams, we had never hoped for a price like that. We hoped for around €400,000 to €500,000 [$450,000 to $550,000], and we only dreamed of €600,000 [$675,000].”
When Armando, now five years old, travels to China, he won’t be setting any new records. The badass bird is now retired from racing and will be put out to stud. Gyselbrecht says pigeons can sire children until around age 10 and can live until 20. So Armando won’t be bringing in much prize money. But if he inseminates enough eggs, he might be able to alleviate his purchase price.
So, why are Chinese buyers dropping so much money on pigeons? Berlinger reports that pigeon racing is the sport du jour for the upper and middle class in parts of China. Currently, there are about 90,000 pigeon breeders in Beijing alone registered with the Racing Pigeons Association. Prizes for races often reach into the tens of thousands of dollars.
Jiangming Liu, a Pipa employee in China, says the fact that pigeon racing is the only sport that people can legally gamble on in mainland China has increased its popularity. And since anyone can participate, young, old, healthy or not, it appeals to a wide swathe of people.
“Everyone can do it. From regular people to some rich people. Regular people buy cheap pigeons. Rich people buy expensive pigeons,” Liu tells CNN’s Berlinger.
So, how does pigeon racing work? Pigeons have a strong homing sense and have been used for millennia as carrier pigeons to send messages between predetermined points. Using that instinct, in the 1800s pigeon breeders began setting up races, taking the birds miles from their roosts and releasing them, timing them to see which returned home quickest. Over the decades the sport has become more much more sophisticated and pigeons, like Armando, have been bred for speed and homing ability.
Pigeon Patrol Products & Services is the leading manufacturer and distributor of bird deterrent (control) products in Canada. Pigeon Patrol products have solved pest bird problems in industrial, commercial, and residential settings since 2000, by using safe and humane bird deterrents with only bird and animal friendly solutions. At Pigeon Patrol, we manufacture and offer a variety of bird deterrents, ranging from Ultra-flex Bird Spikes with UV protection, Bird Netting, 4-S Bird Gel and the best Ultrasonic and audible sound devices on the market today.
Voted Best Canadian wholesaler for Bird Deterrent products ten years in a row.
Contact us at 1- 877– 4– NO-BIRD, (604) 585-9279 or visit our website at
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Almost everyone is familiar with pigeons because they can be found in nearly all the parts of the world and share the places with humans as well. Numerous people are fond of keeping and feeding them. However, not everyone is comfortable with the damages caused by them.
These city pigeons like to live in open places as well as landscapes. They do not only cause harm to crops and grains but can be a pain in the neck for the owners of houses and apartment dwellers as well. The droppings of these birds are acidic which can destroy the machinery or metal and can be harmful to the buildings.
Furthermore, there is another reason to get rid of them is the infectious diseases they can cause due to their acidic droppings and dusty feathers. Their fallen feathers and the nesting stuff become the reason of blocked gutters and rainwater pipes. Humans, as well as other birds, can suffer because of pigeons.
Nests, feathers, and droppings of these birds carry harmful fungal materials which lead to the serious health hazards for humans as well as for other birds. The common diseases caused by them are:
This is a respiratory illness caused by the aerial fungal spores when they are inhaled. Pigeon’s nests carry this type of fungus in the nest material which can escalate the human condition by severe illness leading to even death.
The accumulated and dried droppings of pigeon everywhere are not only the wastes but also a significant source of infection caused by the fungus these droppings are occupied by. The illness starts with the lungs and skin infection which can further spread to the other parts of the body. It becomes fatal if left uncured.
This is another form of fungal infection the pigeons spread which can make the humans suffer badly.
This disease caused by a harmful virus, is mild and shows no symptoms. However, sometimes, it can become serious if it is not taken seriously.
Pigeons may be attractive for some people to keep them and feed them but the circumstances they can create cannot be avoided. They should be kept away to avoid the health hazards. There are several humane ways to get rid of them.
Sonic repellent devices are widely used to make the pigeon proofing homes, and these are eco-friendly repellents. Some people use oversized nets to cover the place where the pigeon rest so that they don’t cause further damage.
1. Make Roosting Spaces Less Appealing
Make the spaces uncomfortable on which they land. That can be done by installing spike strips because pigeons would certainly like to find another place to land if they see these strips. You can also make the nest areas difficult for them to stay by fastening the waterproof strings in the particular area so that they fail to balance themselves on the string. These newly installed barriers will bring peace at your place.
Furthermore, pigeons avoid settling in the slippery areas, and you can easily create one by setting up sloped covering. Another important thing is not to make the mistake of feeding a pigeon. In fact, limit available food and remove the other food sources, your lawn is offering to these birds. They can create an alarming situation for you if you keep on feeding them.
2. Sealing Off Entrances
Seal all the places that can provide pigeons a way to make their nests and create the hindrance. Mostly, the places pigeons uses are attic and chimneys. Close their ways by fitting the steel mesh caps on these holes. Window air conditioning units cannot be ignored. They find it a very good place to make their nests, cover them with a net.
3. Scare Off The Pigeons
Birds afraid of several things. You can scare them to keep them away is another useful method. Don’t let them settle in place by applying the water pressure with a garden hose. They would undeniably not like to be pushed away and would prefer to dwell somewhere else.
Hang the wind chimes, a mirror of other reflecting stuff in your garden. Their eyes get irritated with the reflection. Owl deterrents are also used to scare the pigeons. Install the muted bird having distinguished owl feature at the roosting spaces.
How To Catch Pigeon By Hand
You can catch these birds even with bare hands but, for that reason, you have to create the situation where you can get your hands on them.
If you intend to catch the pigeon, the very first thing to do is identify the places where they mostly land. After that, put the pigeon baits to attract them. Avoid using the chemical baits. Put their favorite seeds or fruit at a particular location. Once they land in this location, don’t let them go.
2. Position The Ladder If The Pigeons At High Places
It is not necessary that all the nesting sites of the pigeons are near the ground. They also settle at high places where it is not easy to reach. In that case, bring the ladder in use. Place it near that location with a proper position where it is easy to access the area. Make sure that catching this way is safe for you because you can fall if the situation messes up.
3. Place And Set The Trap
The Trap is one of the practical solutions to pigeon problem. There are various models easily available in the market. Grab a live Pigeon trap from the marketplace. Once you found the nesting and roosting places, now it’s time to make those places a source to catch the pigeons.
Bait the traps with the seeds or some other pigeon attractant, and set the trap in the nesting areas. Keep the check on the traps on a daily basis. If you find trapped pigeons, release them at some other location.
4. Keep Some Pigeons In The Trap
Pigeon is an intelligent animal. It may not be easy to catch them. You have to make all the possible ways to tempt them. One of the best tricks is, you can set a trap with pigeons already in it and provide them with food such as cracked seeds. These trapped pigeons will invite the other pigeons in the trap as well. That way, they won’t hesitate to enter the trap and will be easily caught.
If you have found the other ways ineffective, time consuming or expensive, try the household items to keep this creature away. You can find numerous things at your house that can help you solve this problem.
1. Honey To Remove Pigeons
Honey is an all-time-available item in any house. Bring it to use for your pigeon problem. Spread it at the place where pigeons roost or near the places of their nests. The sticky nature of honey will create a problem for pigeons to rest at a place. That is a natural way to get rid of this nauseating creature.
2. Pepper Powder
Homemade deterrents are always helpful. Discourage the pigeons to dwell and mess around at your place by using these natural remedies. Make all the expected ways of nesting of pigeon uncomfortable for them by spreading some spices or pepper powder around. Stop the pigeons before they make the situation uncontrollable for you. These deterrents will help you to keep these birds off.
3. Chilli Solution
Chilli solution works the same as pepper powder. That spicy solution is used in the way that is sprinkling near dwelling places. That is another way to avoid the destruction and health hazards.
4. Water Hose
Don’t let them settle in place by applying the water pressure with a standard water hose in your garden. It gets difficult for them to stay in that water spray. Do it the very first day you see a pigeon in you balcony before the whole flock decides to take your place.
Pigeons can create a mess that may not be seen as serious but can be destructive. One thing that cannot be compromised is your health. They are not only harmful to your garden but also a reason to spread fungal diseases. These diseases can be fatal and lead you to death.
Get rid of them even if you don’t find any disturbance initially. You can use the natural treatments to this problem or trap them to relocate them. Moreover, Eco-friendly alternative repellents are also available that can lessen your worries. Keep them away by removing everything that can attract them as soon as you see them. You can also get the pigeon control services from professionals if the situation becomes out of control.
Pigeon Patrol Products & Services is the leading manufacturer and distributor of bird deterrent (control) products in Canada. Pigeon Patrol products have solved pest bird problems in industrial, commercial, and residential settings since 2000, by using safe and humane bird deterrents with only bird and animal friendly solutions. At Pigeon Patrol, we manufacture and offer a variety of bird deterrents, ranging from Ultra-flex Bird Spikes with UV protection, Bird Netting, 4-S Bird Gel and the best Ultrasonic and audible sound devices on the market today.
Voted Best Canadian wholesaler for Bird Deterrent products ten years in a row.
Contact us at 1- 877– 4– NO-BIRD, (604) 585-9279 or visit our website at
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The Fall season for many people means Pumpkin Spice, a crisp breeze, and crunchy leaves. In pest control, it means pigeon-breeding season. Empower yourselves and recognize the common myths about pigeon control.
Common Misconceptions When it Comes to Pigeons
FICTION: There is no harm in feeding pigeons. It doesn’t hurt anybody.
FACT: Regardless of whether or not feeding is intentional, it is the root of many pigeon control problems! The birds recognize a food source as reliable and, quickly, their numbers multiply. Unintentional food supply, like litter and garbage, MUST be eliminated in order to be protected against the many problems pigeons cause. Aside from structural damage caused to buildings or homes, other pests may live on these birds, including mites, fleas or ticks, which could further pest problems at the infested property. Pigeons are dependent on humans in almost every aspect- relying on us for food and nesting sites. Knowing this, we can better prepare ourselves for use of effective pigeon control methods.
FICTION: Bird Spikes are vicious.
FACT: Advanced IPM professionals are skilled in using spikes effectively for bird control – preventing birds from landing or roosting on buildings or homes. Spike styles with blunted ends are used often, and the installation of such spikes is precise. For that reason, these spikes do not pose a threat and will not endanger the birds.
FICTION: The only way to control pigeons is to wipe all of them out.
FACT: Destroying the pigeon population in large quantities only creates pressure for the birds to reproduce rapidly. The most effective way to manage pigeon infestations is by making roosting and nesting areas inhospitable. Methods of doing so include, but are not limited to, exclusion, filling access voids, and sloping resting areas.
Pigeon Patrol Products & Services is the leading manufacturer and distributor of bird deterrent (control) products in Canada. Pigeon Patrol products have solved pest bird problems in industrial, commercial, and residential settings since 2000, by using safe and humane bird deterrents with only bird and animal friendly solutions. At Pigeon Patrol, we manufacture and offer a variety of bird deterrents, ranging from Ultra-flex Bird Spikes with UV protection, Bird Netting, 4-S Bird Gel and the best Ultrasonic and audible sound devices on the market today.
Voted Best Canadian wholesaler for Bird Deterrent products ten years in a row.
Contact us at 1- 877– 4– NO-BIRD, (604) 585-9279 or visit our website at
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The pigeon-bird was raised for food in America since the 1600s, but grew so fast and multiplied so rapidly that they have formed feral, fierce populations in all their major cities.
This is a huge problem in India too, as most people feed pigeons: since they do not fear humans and eat only grains, seeds or breadcrumbs, they are considered pets.
However, this pigeon bird is actually a dirty, filthy menace; a pest that messes up statues, homes, and balconies with stinking, gooey droppings.
But that’s not all! Pigeons are a real nuisance: they damage your property, break-in by breaking window-glasses and carry a host of dangerous pigeon borne diseases and parasites.
Some people, who are ignorant of science, medicine, and pigeon borne diseases even build pigeon-houses for them! Pesky, pervasive, disease-carrying pigeons: how do they rule the roost in our cities?
As the pigeon-bird population grows, the nestlings return to their homes to build more pigeon nests and raise more pigeons (on ledges, balconies, gables, pipes. They always, always find their way home.
Pigeon droppings are tar-like and heavy as a binding agent (like mortar) for their pigeon nests: it is extremely difficult to remove.
Pigeon droppings and nests do more than dirty and stink up a place: Â they clog gutters, pipes, eaves, and water-spouts degrading your property. Pigeons are bad for business especially the food or hotel industry. They are bully-birds who keep smaller song-birds (like bulbuls) away!
How to scare pigeons or keep pigeons away
Pigeons do not like wind-chimes, aluminium foil-pans (as used for fast food), shiny rubber snakes or balloons. Some commercial gel bird-repellents will keep pigeons away but must be constantly replenished.
Pigeon nets for balconies are advised, but most netting sags and gives way: pigeons peck holes in them too. How to get rid of pigeons poses a vexatious problem as most solutions are stop-gap measures.
Some people attach new-fangled coiled “slinky toys on balcony rails to deter pigeons from finding a comfy spot! Mesh screens also act well.
There are some organic, home-made pigeon repellents that are effective in keeping pigeons away from balcony or windows sill.
Place pomanders (cheesecloth pouches)| of cayenne pepper, black pepper, chilli powder or strong spice powder mix along railings or window sills. Keep your trash covered and do not keep scrap or bird-feeders handy for pigeons.
How to clean up the pigeon-bird mess
You can’t simply hose off lethal, heavy pigeon poo. Bacteria, viruses, and fungi love pigeon droppings. Wear a mask and gloves to remove debris and throw the pigeon-bird nests away. Next, with a strong anti-bacterial cleaner, or chlorine bleach, scrub the area with the utmost care. Then hose off the dust.
What is the safest, permanent solution for pigeon birds?
Some people swear by chilli-powder or honey. Bird-netting is better, but there are many varieties. If you have a business that is getting affected or stay in a tall high-rise, where you can’t reach pipes and ledges where pigeon-birds root, breed and defecate.
Finally, do discourage people from feeding these nasty, disease-carrying pigeon-birds, so that the next generation is free from this menace.
Pigeon Patrol Products & Services is the leading manufacturer and distributor of bird deterrent (control) products in Canada. Pigeon Patrol products have solved pest bird problems in industrial, commercial, and residential settings since 2000, by using safe and humane bird deterrents with only bird and animal friendly solutions. At Pigeon Patrol, we manufacture and offer a variety of bird deterrents, ranging from Ultra-flex Bird Spikes with UV protection, Bird Netting, 4-S Bird Gel and the best Ultrasonic and audible sound devices on the market today.
Voted Best Canadian wholesaler for Bird Deterrent products ten years in a row.
Contact us at 1- 877– 4– NO-BIRD, (604) 585-9279 or visit our website at
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Feral pigeons foul buildings, creating unwanted “stained glass” windows and “decorated” architecture. All sorts of pests may migrate from their nests into buildings. Originally descended from the wild Rock Dove, a cliff-face dweller, these birds find the next best thing is a block of flats, a bit of Victorian Gothic architecture or a railway arch.
In the absence of natural predators, birds which fall sick survive to infect healthy ones with ornithosis and other diseases, some of which can be transmissible to man. Their accumulated droppings are also sources of disease.
Birds such as Pigeons carry a variety of diseases such as Ornithosis, Listeria and E-coli that can be transmitted to man not only from the droppings but also the birds themselves. When dry, pigeon droppings can become airborne in small particles, which can lead to respiratory complaints such as psittacosis.
Pigeon droppings are acidic and can corrode/erode metals, stonework and brickwork. Nesting materials birds use can block chimneys, flues and guttering, causing possible issues with carbon monoxide and damage to buildings as water overflows from blocked gutters.
Buildings covered in fouling looks unpleasant can smell, and projects a poor image of business, potentially ruining an organisation’s reputation. If customers spot evidence of a heavy Pigeon infestation on premises, they may not want to do business with you.
Closely linked to Pigeon activity such as nesting are parasites such as mites, ticks, fleas and beetles. So if you have a current or past problem with birds and have done nothing, you may find you’ll suffer from a parasite infestation too.
How to prevent and get rid of birds
Pigeon prevention, proofing and control are a highly specialised skill, requiring specialist equipment and tools. Control of Pigeons through population reduction techniques is generally both less desirable and less effective than removing their food sources or blocking off sites where they perch or roost. The latter technique, known as proofing, is now used extensively.
For proofing, professional pest controllers will use methods such as barriers, spikes, nets and wire to great effect. More recently active systems like shock strips, audible scarers and optical gels have been used to create negative associations in birds wishing to land or roost on buildings. All of these methods of proofing have their merits, and some can offer a stronger and more lasting deterrent, but as with any method of control, they may become less effective over an extended period. For a heavy Pigeon infestation, your professional contractor may have to employ methods of control such as shooting, trapping or flying of predatory birds.
Pigeon Patrol Products & Services is the leading manufacturer and distributor of bird deterrent (control) products in Canada. Pigeon Patrol products have solved pest bird problems in industrial, commercial, and residential settings since 2000, by using safe and humane bird deterrents with only bird and animal friendly solutions. At Pigeon Patrol, we manufacture and offer a variety of bird deterrents, ranging from Ultra-flex Bird Spikes with UV protection, Bird Netting, 4-S Bird Gel and the best Ultrasonic and audible sound devices on the market today.
Voted Best Canadian wholesaler for Bird Deterrent products ten years in a row.
Contact us at 1- 877– 4– NO-BIRD, (604) 585-9279 or visit our website at
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It was a nice, clear, warm day and I was enjoying watching the pigeons doing a formation flight above me when I was distracted by two teenagers who were shrieking and cowering under a magazine held above their heads, presumably to shield them from falling poop. I couldn’t help stopping to reassure them that the pigeons wouldn’t poop during this flight, so they could relax and enjoy the sunshine. This incident inspired me to dedicate a page to the enthralling subject of pigeon droppings!
The pigeon’s excretion system is not the same as that of a mammal. The food passes through the digestive system and empties from the rectum into the cloaca.
This literally means “cesspool” and is the “emptying place” for both the digestive and the urogenital system in pigeons. The pigeon has the ability to hold the action of defecating and to contain a considerable volume of poop in the cloaca without relief (Levi, The Pigeon), so unlike humans it is never “caught short”.
When pigeons are about a week old they learn to step backward before pooping and they continue to do this during their adult life, which is why you are likely to be pooped on by a perching pigeon if you are in the wrong place at the wrong time.
The situation is different when pigeons are in flight. Pigeons are designed for flapping or “powered” flight rather than for soaring or gliding flight like the seagull (which admittedly does poop on humans, sometimes deliberately) – so when a pigeon takes off it will immediately begin to draw its feet backward under its body to assist with flight and balance. The feet are held back until the pigeon is about to land, when they are thrust forward and down.
If a pigeon were to poop in flight it would have to risk the poop landing on its feet as they are held below the vent (anus), or it would have to lower its feet. Both of these actions would affect the dynamics of flight. So they don’t do either. You will usually see a pigeon poop when it is perching on a ledge or branch, or when it is foraging…but not when it is flying overhead.
Today there is an unreasonable hysteria about pigeon poop, but in earlier times it was so valuable as a fertiliser that it was used as a dowry and left as an inheritance! Even today it is probably the best organic fertiliser for vegetable patches that you can find (after it has been composted, of course).
An officer of London Wildlife Protection wrote to the Department of Health to establish whether pigeon poop is a hazard to human health and if so to what extent. Their reply should reassure even the most cynical pigeon hater or pest controller:
We are not aware of any cases of human infections associated with contact with pigeon faeces.
Whilst wild bird faeces including pigeon faeces can present a potential hazard from infections such as Campylobacter and Salmonella via faecal-oral transmission (i.e. when contaminated bird faeces is accidentally swallowed), there is limited documented supportive evidence for this occurrence. The use of simple hygiene precautions especially hand washing after touching potentially contaminated materials and before eating or drinking should reduce the risk of infection via the faecal-oral route.
A review of human health hazards posed by feral pigeons in 2004 concluded that, “In spite of the worldwide distribution of feral pigeons, the close and frequent contact they have with humans, their use as food, and the high prevalence of carriage of human pathogens, zoonotic disease caused by feral pigeons is infrequent. Although feral pigeons pose sporadic health risks to humans, the risk is very low, even for humans involved in occupations that bring them into close contact with nesting sites.
There are some health hazards associated with pigeon droppings, but these are not as dire as pest controllers and local authorities would lead us to believe:
Like all fecal matter (human and animal) pigeon poop can contain bacteria that are harmful if ingested, so it is best to keep pigeon poop away from food that is about to be eaten and from kitchen work surfaces.
The fungus histoplasma capsulatum, if inhaled, can cause histoplasmosis in humans. There is no record of anyone becoming infected with Histoplasma within the UK but it can be found in river valleys in Eastern and Southern Europe and has caused disease in parrts of North America.. Pigeons don’t carry or spread histoplasma, it is not a disease that can be caught from a bird but under the right conditions (temperate climate, damp acidic soil with high organic content) all bird droppings can produce an environment in which this fungus thrives if it is there in the first place.
Cryptococcus neoformans is another fungus that is found in the dried droppings of birds, including pigeons. When dried bird droppings are stirred up, this can make dust containing Cryptococcus Neoformans go into the air. If inhaled this doesn’t normally affect healthy humans but it can cause disease in people with compromised immune systems, such as those with HIV/AIDS, people who have had organ transplants and those who are being treated for cancer.
Pigeon Patrol Products & Services is the leading manufacturer and distributor of bird deterrent (control) products in Canada. Pigeon Patrol products have solved pest bird problems in industrial, commercial, and residential settings since 2000, by using safe and humane bird deterrents with only bird and animal friendly solutions. At Pigeon Patrol, we manufacture and offer a variety of bird deterrents, ranging from Ultra-flex Bird Spikes with UV protection, Bird Netting, 4-S Bird Gel and the best Ultrasonic and audible sound devices on the market today.
Voted Best Canadian wholesaler for Bird Deterrent products ten years in a row.
Contact us at 1- 877– 4– NO-BIRD, (604) 585-9279 or visit our website at
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