Time to Expel The Nuisance (Pigeons)
Expel the pigeons : Many bird lovers like to attract beautiful little songbirds onto their balcony using bird feeders, helping to keep the feathered visitors fed during the winter while enjoying the chance to watch them at the same time. Pigeons, however, are rarely such a welcome guest as their invasion has consequences: damaged plants and traces of excrement as far as the eye can see – not how a cosy open-air oasis is meant to look. Their collective cooing can also really get on your nerves. Some of the birds may even carry diseases – so there are plenty of reasons why you are better off banishing pigeons from your balcony if their visits get out of control.

Visual measures to get pigeons off your balcony
Try to drive the birds away using various visual techniques. The birds are generally thought to be quite clever and fearless, so visual measures will only work in the short term. You should therefore regularly move the pigeon scaring device to a new position. This confuses the birds.
- Fake birds. Who is afraid of the vicious raven? Pigeons. Place a plastic version of the pigeon’s enemy on the balcony to scare the birds off. This also works with hawks, owls and buzzards. Always remember to reposition the pigeon scaring device from time to time. If you have an outdoor cat or a dog, even better. The birds like to keep a safe distance from pets and will therefore stay well away from your balcony
- Hang CDs. A cool retro look, with a purpose. Thread the CDs onto a fishing line. When you hang the mobile on your balcony, if all goes to plan then the reflective surfaces moving in the wind will scare the pigeons and they will fly away
- Aluminium foil. Similar principle to the CDs. Cut long strips of aluminium foil and hang them on the balcony. The fluttering strips reflecting the light will confuse the pests
- Glitter balls. You can also create light reflections to scare away the birds using shiny balls made from glass or plastic. Attached to a wooden stick, these useful defence systems can simply be stuck in a flower bed or plant pot
- Windmills. These contraptions make uncontrolled movements and this scares away the pigeons.
Acoustic and haptic systems to get pigeons off your balcony
Acoustic defence systems are usually only effective for a limited time. Pigeons quickly get used to noises and are then no longer disturbed by them. You should therefore constantly vary the tone to ensure that this method is successful. Dog barks, cries from birds of prey or loud bangs, which sound like they are random, are good examples of effective noises. However, it’s likely that your neighbours will also not particularly enjoy these noises – this measure must not degenerate into a noise nuisance.
Haptic systems offer more promise.
- Nets. Although these do ruin the view, the upside is that pigeons will no longer be able to rest on your balcony.
- Spikes. These are not just found on sports shoes worn by athletes – they are also an effective pigeon defence system. You can buy spikes in DIY shops and attach them to your balcony, preventing the birds from landing. The disadvantage is that your balcony no longer looks so nice. You can now also get spike borders, which are made from plastic. These can be attached to your balcony railings – if don’t mind the slightly military-like view.
Removing pigeon nests from your balcony
If pigeons start to nest on your balcony, you should remove the nests quickly – and always wear gloves and a face mask when doing so. Otherwise, a whole clan could settle on your balcony and it will become more and more difficult to get rid of them. It’s tricky if the birds are already breeding. In this case, you should seek help from a professional. Contact us today!

Protecting your birdhouses from pigeons
Back to the issue of birdhouses: these shelters intended for members of the tit family and other small birds are also popular with pigeons, who steal the food away from the smaller birds during the winter. You should therefore protect the source of food from unwelcome visitors. All you need to do is to run a piece of string or wire through the middle of the opening to the house. The small birds will still be able to get into the house, but the entrance will be blocked to pigeons. Hanging bird-feeder rings do not generally need extra protection because pigeons are too big to perch on them and feed.
About Pigeon Patrol:
Pigeon Patrol Products & Services is the leading manufacturer and distributor of bird deterrent (control) products in Canada. Pigeon Patrol products have solved pest bird problems in industrial, commercial, and residential settings since 2000, by using safe and humane bird deterrents with only bird and animal friendly solutions. At Pigeon Patrol, we manufacture and offer a variety of bird deterrents, ranging from Ultra-flex Bird Spikes with UV protection, Bird Netting, 4-S Gel and the best Ultrasonic and audible sound devices on the market today.
Contact us at 1- 877– 4– NO-BIRD, (604) 585-9279 or visit our website at www.pigeonpatrol.ca
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