UltraSonic Repellers
Sonic sound emitters are one of the most effective repellers on the market today. The system emits distress calls, and, if it is a quality product, calls of predators of the target species. Effective emitters randomize pitch, magnitude, time interval and other factors to prevent birds’ getting used to them. Ultrasonic electronic devices produce high pitch emissions in ultrasound. The sound is too high pitched for people to hear, but audible to most birds. This has the advantage to preventing disturbance to neighboring households.
How It Works
Distress call or sound emitters consist of a central unit and Tweeter. the system emits the distress calls, or calls of predators of the target species. Effective emitters randomize these calls magnitude, time interval and other factors to prevent birds’ from getting used to them. House hold cats or dogs are not bothered by the high pitch sounds. Our Sound and Ultrasonic Repellers units are mostly used for personal balconies, backyards, large malls or residential and commercial rooftops.