by Pigeon Patrol | Jan 15, 2014 | Bird Deterrent Products, Pigeons in the News, UltraSonic Bird Control
Pigeon Patrol feels for these tourists with the Pigeons in plague-like proportions causing them headaches.
The birds are getting so daring they are stealing food from cafe tables while diners eat. The situation is so bad the Glenelg flock has begun to attract natural predators, with a family of falcons now nesting in a hotel’s roof area, feeding on the pigeons.More than six months has passed since traders met with the council to raise concerns about hundreds of pigeons causing a menace in and around the tourist hotspot.
“If it was a rat problem you’d expect the council to take control,” Mr Higgins said.”These are the rats of the sky. “As an operator in the area you expect the local council to take some ownership and give some direction, but we haven’t had any clear direction since the meeting.
The Stamford Grand has spent thousands of dollars trying to manage pigeons pooing by its pool, including $18,000 to install nets and spikes last year.
Mr Higgins was concerned the issue was affecting the hotel’s international reputation, as reviews on travel websites had mentioned the pigeon problems. “It’s a worldwide negative impact for us,” he said. “They poop all over the chairs and tables and you’re constantly having to clean all that up … if they can move them on it would be fantastic.”
Holdfast Bay chief executive Justin Lynch last month said the council had contacted the Environment Department to “explore the lawfulness of various pigeon control methods”, and had received quotes from a contractor recommended by the department.
The council traps and releases pigeons roosting on its buildings, which are also fitted with nets, spikes and wires.
It would be best not to release these bird but rather install Pigeon Patrols Ultrasonic Impact Repellers to deter the birds!
by Pigeon Patrol | Jan 3, 2014 | Bird Deterrent Products, Pigeon Spikes, Pigeons in the News

Where did Tweety go!
Most people call Pigeon Patrol to get rid of their pigeon problems, however I am sure that this lady would not have us on her speed dial.
A Vancouver Island woman is devastated after her pet pigeon Tweety was taken to an animal rescue center, which now refuses to give the bird back.
Chemainus resident Sandy Bird, 72, rescued the pigeon from near death last March. He has lived as a member of her family ever since, accompanying Bird everywhere she went, even on car trips.
Last week, Tweety flew out of the car, but returned to the wrong vehicle. The owner of that vehicle, Mike Toole, took the bird to the BC SPCA Wild Animal Rehabilitation Centre – Wild ARC – in Metchosin.
Bird said wildlife officials tell her Tweety is better off with pigeons, but it feels like she’s lost a member of the family.
“He’s probably the most lonely, lost little guy in the world. He’s more than just a bird,” she said.
Despite this, Senior Wildlife Rehabilitator Christina Carrieres said Bird did not have the proper permits.
“It is illegal to possess any type of wildlife without a permit. They are protected under the Wildlife Act,” said Carrieres.
Wildlife officials plan to transfer Tweety to another wildlife centre soon, where he can live out his days in captivity.
While most of our clients call Pigeon Patrol for all of their bird spike , bird spike, bird netting, 4-s Gel and Ultrasonic repellers all bird deterrents, we wish the best to this lady and hope one day she is reunited with Tweety.
For the full story the link is below:
by Pigeon Patrol | Dec 28, 2013 | Bird Deterrent Products, Pigeon Spikes, Pigeons in the News, UltraSonic Bird Control
Pigeon Patrol found this story in about, Rome facing a “guano alarm” as millions of pigeons and starlings leave the city covered in a thick layer of droppings, Italian media report.
Some four million birds annually overwinter in the capital, but this year spending cuts have derailed efforts to discourage the birds from settling in central areas. In previous years, anti-bird measures have included pruning plane trees and broadcasting amplified cries of birds of prey through loudspeakers.
But such efforts have not been put into action in 2013, so the birds have deposited a thick layer of droppings on streets, vehicles and buildings.
The tree-lined Lungotevere, the boulevard running along the river Tiber, is particularly badly affected. Sections of it are thick with droppings, creating slip hazards for pedestrians, cyclists and motorbike riders alike. Photos published by Corriere della Sera show vehicles blanketed with guano. Pedestrians arm themselves with umbrellas or run for cover. The situation is so bad that some residents bang on pots and pans in the streets and squares to scare the birds away, just as people used to do in years gone by.
Using bird spikes or pigeon spikes together with an UltraSonic bird deterrent would definitely help with Rome’s bird issue. Pigeon problems have not got this bad in Canada, but you never know. Canadians may have to pigeon proof with bird deterrents to get rid of their pigeon problem.
For the full story click the link below:
by Pigeon Patrol | Dec 26, 2013 | Bird Netting
Pigeon Patrol Products and Services have had to clean up many nasty jobs, but this job may take the cake.
A hatch on a Swedish church tower inadvertently left open for some three decades resulted in 2 tons of pigeon droppings amassing in the tower.
The church’s property manager says the layer of droppings was 30 centimetres (12 inches) deep when it was discovered during a May inspection of the Heliga Trefaldighets Kyrka in Gavle, 170 kilometres (105 miles) north of Stockholm.
Lennart Helzenius said on Thursday that church staff had been shocked by the sheer number of bags of excrement cleaners were removing from the tower. He says the droppings filled 80 bags in the first round of cleaning, and then just as many in the second round.
Helzenius says the hatch had probably been left open since the 1980s.
I guess that this church could have used some of Pigeon Patrol’s bird deterrents like their bird or pigeon spikes, bird netting, 4-S Gel, or the UltraSonic Tube or Screaming Owl. Pigeon Patrol has warehouse in Vancouver Canada and Seattle Washington. Pigeon Patrol is the logical choice for bird or pigeon control in North America.
Thanks to the The Associated Press for this story