Robot Falcons good at scaring Pigeons?

Robot Falcons good at scaring Pigeons?

Pigeon Patrol robotOnce again, the pigeon dilemma surrounding the Scottish Parliament and its pigeons has risen. An East Lothian Company could have saved the Holyrood Chiefs at least 50,000 dollars from spending attempts in scaring off pigeons from the Holyrood building. The East Lothian Company said they approached the parliament with Mock Falcons, which are electronic birds used to scare off birds, but were ignored.

The use of Bird Free 4-S Gel could have been an inexpensive and easier solution than all combined. Pigeon Patrol’s 4-S Gel is easy to install and when any UV light makes contact with the gel, the birds see it as fire. Simple?! Could have saved more than 50,000 dollars if you ask me.

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Amsterdam’s Pigeon Pate!!  Yummmmm!

Amsterdam’s Pigeon Pate!! Yummmmm!

Pigeon Patrol MealAs many as 1000 pigeons trapped or killed by a pest control firm in Amsterdam end up on dinner plates as pate. There have been massive amounts of pigeons around the area that they’ve been called sky vermin. This has led to a pest exterminating company to the idea of selling pigeons to butchers. After being caught, pigeons are sold to butchers across the city to be made into pate.

With the use of Bird Deterrents such as Ultra-Bird Spikes or Bird Netting, the areas with great amounts of pigeons could have been controlled or the products could have been put in place as an animal friendly solution.


Pigeons spread disease easily due to the fact that they can travel great distances, harbor over forty different types of parasites, and can host sixty different types of diseases. Without proper health regulations, this dish poses a lot of health risks.

As Pigeons are not protected, the pest control company can catch and do as they please with them. I don’t know how they are treating these animals but let’s hope they are as animal friendly as Pigeon Patrol is.

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Birds of Prey eat Pigeons in front of school children!!

Birds of Prey eat Pigeons in front of school children!!

Ohh. Boy , there is a reason that Pigeon Patrol does not use Birds of Prey as a deterrent. This is reason one!

HAWKS were brought in on contract to scare away the pigeons. The parliament was warned the birds of prey could lead to a PR disaster if they began eating the pigeons alive in front of schoolchildren.Pigeon Patrol Hawk

But the birds or Prey had a closer call in when a “service agreement” document carried instructions to clear pigeons from part of the MSP block, then added: “Shoot pigeons if possible during first visit; if not, a second visit may be required.”

Early attempts to combat the problem by stringing anti-pigeon wire across ledges failed because they just hopped over it. Anti-roosting spikes were first rejected as “visually unattractive”, but later installed.

So this is the answer Kill the birds with another larger bird or Shoot them!!

Thank goodness Pigeon Patrol offers Pigeon or Bird Spikes, Bird Netting, 4-S Gel and Ultrasonics Sound Units to deter the birds!!

Pigeons love the new Hastings bridge!!

Pigeons love the new Hastings bridge!!

Pigeons just love new things, Pigeon Patrol Staff came across this bridge of a situation.pigeon patrol bridge

For some reason, pigeons have marked off a very clear patch of the new Hastings bridge as their own. They apparently have no interest in spending time on any other part of the bridge. Rather, they congregate on the northbound side of the bridge on the arch about halfway up.

Minnesota Department of Transportation bridge project manager Steve Kordosky. “I don’t know why they have selected that particular spot.”

Kordosky thinks that since that part of the bridge faces south, it warms up faster than the rest of the bridge.

Well who knows why birds do what they do!!  I am sure that if some of Pigeon Patrol’s Ultra-Flex bird spikes or pigeon spikes were installed, or some of the new 4-S Gel or even an Ultrasonic sound Repeller that would be enough to deter the birds from the bridge.

2 tons of pigeon droppings found in Swedish church tower; hatch left open for decades

2 tons of pigeon droppings found in Swedish church tower; hatch left open for decades

pigeon patrol bird spike and deterrentPigeon Patrol Products and Services have had to clean up many nasty jobs, but this job may take the cake.

A hatch on a Swedish church tower inadvertently left open for some three decades resulted in 2 tons of pigeon droppings amassing in the tower.

The church’s property manager says the layer of droppings was 30 centimetres (12 inches) deep when it was discovered during a May inspection of the Heliga Trefaldighets Kyrka in Gavle, 170 kilometres (105 miles) north of Stockholm.

Lennart Helzenius said on Thursday that church staff had been shocked by the sheer number of bags of excrement cleaners were removing from the tower. He says the droppings filled 80 bags in the first round of cleaning, and then just as many in the second round.

Helzenius says the hatch had probably been left open since the 1980s.

I guess that this church could have used some of Pigeon Patrol’s bird deterrents like their bird or pigeon spikes, bird netting, 4-S Gel, or the UltraSonic Tube or Screaming Owl.   Pigeon Patrol has warehouse in Vancouver Canada and Seattle Washington. Pigeon Patrol is the logical choice for bird or pigeon control in North America.

Thanks to the The Associated Press for this story