Pigeons eat at Burger King
Pigeon Patrol called out to help with the roosting pigeons.
A North Vancouver man is crying foul over the effort he says he had to go through to get his landlord to deal with an unhealthy mess of pigeon poop lying inches deep outside his apartment.
“There’s certain standards they are supposed to abide by,” said Michael Ravenscroft, who rents an apartment at 107 West 1st Street.
Ravenscroft said he complained to his property management company, the City of North Vancouver and the health department for a month about the problem before anyone took notice.
“Any other situation where there’s a biohazard, they have a hazmat team come in,” said Ravenscroft. “It’s taken way too lightly.”
Ravenscroft said any time he’s called the authorities, to ask that the property owners be ordered to clean up the pigeon droppings, “They say it’s done. It’s not done.”
Ravenscroft said he first became concerned there might be a problem when he smelled something bad in one area of his apartment and couldn’t find the source, no matter how much he cleaned. It was only when he looked outside, to one of two light shafts running down the middle of the heritage building, that he realized what the problem was: layers of pigeon droppings and decomposing pigeon carcasses.
Until recently, Ravenscroft said he had a hard time getting anyone to take the issue seriously.
Pigeons, that often make nests in covered areas of buildings, are known to carry diseases that can be transferred to humans.
Pigeon droppings can carry funguses and – more rarely – an infectious disease that can be contracted by anyone breathing in dried droppings.
Paul Markey, environmental health officer for Vancouver Coastal Health, said the risk is greatest for people actually cleaning the mess rather than living near it.
Markey said a health officer met the property manager on site last week and received assurances the light shaft areas will be cleaned.
Markey added that a number of pigeon-proofing measures have already been placed around the building – including metal spikes that prevent pigeons and other birds from roosting.
He said those will now have to be added to the areas of the building above the light shafts.
Joanne Stevens of Living Balance, the property management company for the building, said she’s aware of the problem and is arranging for cleanup and further pigeon-proofing.
Andrew MacBain of Pigeon Patrol, a Lower Mainland company that specializes in bird-proofing, said he’s taken a look at the problem and will be submitting a plan to get all areas cleaned up by the end of the week.
Pigeons are a huge pest problem all over the Lower Mainland, said MacBain – roosting on ledges, apartment balconies or under awnings. MacBain said his company manufactures and installs spikes to deter the birds, as well as netting and Ultrasonic and sonic devices that scare birds away with high-pitched frequencies as well as sounds that imitate predators.
He adds there’s no shortage of business.
– See more at: http://www.nsnews.com/news/tenant-raises-stink-over-pigeon-filth-1.347112#sthash.ZEk5Z4pK.dpuf
A North Vancouver man is crying foul over the effort he says he had to go through to get his landlord to deal with an unhealthy mess of pigeon poop lying inches deep outside his apartment.
“There’s certain standards they are supposed to abide by,” said Michael Ravenscroft, who rents an apartment at 107 West 1st Street.
Ravenscroft said he complained to his property management company, the City of North Vancouver and the health department for a month about the problem before anyone took notice.
“Any other situation where there’s a biohazard, they have a hazmat team come in,” said Ravenscroft. “It’s taken way too lightly.”
Ravenscroft said any time he’s called the authorities, to ask that the property owners be ordered to clean up the pigeon droppings, “They say it’s done. It’s not done.”
Ravenscroft said he first became concerned there might be a problem when he smelled something bad in one area of his apartment and couldn’t find the source, no matter how much he cleaned. It was only when he looked outside, to one of two light shafts running down the middle of the heritage building, that he realized what the problem was: layers of pigeon droppings and decomposing pigeon carcasses.
Until recently, Ravenscroft said he had a hard time getting anyone to take the issue seriously.
Pigeons, that often make nests in covered areas of buildings, are known to carry diseases that can be transferred to humans.
Pigeon droppings can carry funguses and – more rarely – an infectious disease that can be contracted by anyone breathing in dried droppings.
Paul Markey, environmental health officer for Vancouver Coastal Health, said the risk is greatest for people actually cleaning the mess rather than living near it.
Markey said a health officer met the property manager on site last week and received assurances the light shaft areas will be cleaned.
Markey added that a number of pigeon-proofing measures have already been placed around the building – including metal spikes that prevent pigeons and other birds from roosting.
He said those will now have to be added to the areas of the building above the light shafts.
Joanne Stevens of Living Balance, the property management company for the building, said she’s aware of the problem and is arranging for cleanup and further pigeon-proofing.
Andrew MacBain of Pigeon Patrol, a Lower Mainland company that specializes in bird-proofing, said he’s taken a look at the problem and will be submitting a plan to get all areas cleaned up by the end of the week.
Pigeons are a huge pest problem all over the Lower Mainland, said MacBain – roosting on ledges, apartment balconies or under awnings. MacBain said his company manufactures and installs spikes to deter the birds, as well as netting and sonic devices that scare birds away with high-pitched frequencies as well as sounds that imitate predators.
He adds there’s no shortage of business.
– See more at: http://www.nsnews.com/news/tenant-raises-stink-over-pigeon-filth-1.347112#sthash.ZEk5Z4pK.dpuf
Pigeon Patrol came across this interesting story about how Pigeons navigate similar to Pilots.
Pigeons have a limited mental process but despite having small brains, they can navigate extremely well.
Pigeons are influenced by visual properties of the landscape and use landmarks as a navigation tool. If the area is too bland and the same, pigeons have a harder time finding home; I guess that’s why pigeons like to hang out on the roof tops of buildings.
About Pigeon Patrol:
Pigeon Patrol Products & Services is the leading manufacturer and distributor of bird deterrent (control) products in Canada. Pigeon Patrol products have solved pest bird problems in industrial, commercial, and residential settings since 2000, by using safe and humane bird deterrents with only bird and animal friendly solutions. At Pigeon Patrol, we manufacture and offer a variety of bird deterrents, ranging from Ultra-flex Bird Spikes with UV protection, Bird Netting, 4-S Gel and the best Ultrasonic and audible sound devices on the market today.
Voted Best Canadian wholesaler for Bird Deterrent products four years in a row.
Contact Info: 1- 877– 4– NO-BIRD (www.pigeonpatrol.ca)
ANIMAL charities have reacted furiously over plans to slaughter Mottingham station’s pigeon population which have been persistently pooing on commuters.
It comes after a station platform vendor says the birds are ruining her trade as customers dodge the birds’ bombs which have landed in cups of coffee and pose a health and safety risk.
Southeastern, which is responsible for cleaning the platforms, are planning a cull to get rid of the pigeons before fitting meshing to prevent any more roosting.
But animal charities say the move is “cruel” “unnecessary” and likely to worsen the problem which could be avoided by using non-lethal deterrents such as anti-perching spikes.
Speaking of the ongoing problem, owner of Shell’s Kiosk Michelle Hill, said: “I am losing customers.
“Three people got pooed on this morning. “It is getting beyond a joke now. “It is like they are having a party up on the roof.”
Officer Diane Roberts added: “The RSPCA is opposed to the killing of wildlife where it is possible to humanely deter them instead.
A Southeastern spokeswoman said: “Pigeons nesting at the station are making a huge mess and are an issue for customers, tenants and staff. Our priority is to provide a clean environment for our passengers and the businesses at the station.”
Pigeon Patrol would try the following bird deterrents – Anti-roosting spikes or bird spikes or pigeon spikes – Bird netting – UltraSonic and Sonic devices and 4-S gel. Good luck on your bird control and your pigeon problems.
For the full story click the link below:
Pigeon Patrol Products and Services have had to clean up many nasty jobs, but this job may take the cake.
A hatch on a Swedish church tower inadvertently left open for some three decades resulted in 2 tons of pigeon droppings amassing in the tower.
The church’s property manager says the layer of droppings was 30 centimetres (12 inches) deep when it was discovered during a May inspection of the Heliga Trefaldighets Kyrka in Gavle, 170 kilometres (105 miles) north of Stockholm.
Lennart Helzenius said on Thursday that church staff had been shocked by the sheer number of bags of excrement cleaners were removing from the tower. He says the droppings filled 80 bags in the first round of cleaning, and then just as many in the second round.
Helzenius says the hatch had probably been left open since the 1980s.
I guess that this church could have used some of Pigeon Patrol’s bird deterrents like their bird or pigeon spikes, bird netting, 4-S Gel, or the UltraSonic Tube or Screaming Owl. Pigeon Patrol has warehouse in Vancouver Canada and Seattle Washington. Pigeon Patrol is the logical choice for bird or pigeon control in North America.
Thanks to the The Associated Press for this story