Terms and Conditions
When you place an order through Pigeon Patrol Online Store, we may verify your method of payment, shipping address and/or tax-exempt identification number before processing your order. Pigeon Patrol may accept your order by processing your payment and shipping the product, or may, for any reason; decline your order or any part of your order. If we decline your order, we will attempt to notify you using the e-mail address you have provided with your order and refund what monies are owing.
Quantity Limitations
Pigeon Patrol may limit or cancel quantities available for purchase on any order on any basis, and to alter the availability or duration of any special offers. Pigeon Patrol may reject any order, or any part of an order. Pigeon Patrol may limit or prohibit sales to resellers or dealers via the Pigeon Patrol Online Store.
Electronic Communication
When you place an order through the Pigeon Patrol Online Store, you must provide a valid e-mail address, which we may use to communicate with you regarding the status of your order, advise you regarding shipment of backordered products, and to provide you with any other notices, disclosures or other communications relating to your order. You agree that Pigeon Patrol will not be responsible for any damage you incur, or information you do not receive, because of your failure to provide a valid e-mail address.
Pricing and Product Information
Pigeon Patrol tries to provide current and accurate information relating to our products, services, and prices, but does not guarantee the currency or accuracy of any such information. Information relating to Pigeon Patrol products is subject to change without notice.