A ban on feeding Venice’s famed flocks of pigeons took effect Wednesday. It’s an attempt to control the burgeoning number of birds blamed for spreading filth and ruining the city’s monuments.
Please don’t feed the pigeons.
A ban on feeding Venice’s famed flocks of pigeons took effect Wednesday. Nineteen pigeon-feed sellers on St. Mark’s Square immediately went out of business. They had long been granted licenses to sell packages of dried corn to tourists wanting snapshots of themselves covered with the birds.

A spokeswoman in Venice said people who feed the pigeons face fines from $80 to $775.
Mayor Massimo Cacciari pushed for the ban in an attempt to control the burgeoning number of pigeons blamed for spreading filth and ruining the city’s glorious facades and monuments.
The pigeon-feed sellers, who said they have been selling their wares on St. Mark’s Square for a century, remained up in arms and protested the ban with placards on their booths aimed at the mayor, including: “Curse the day I voted for you” and “Cacciari, what kind of Venetian are you?”
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